Chapter 41

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"Jihyun! Come here and let me brush your hair!"

I shouted to the little boy currently running from me with his bunny teddy in hand, laughing at the situation where he's decided to run from me to play after his bath.

"No catch me first Mommy!" Jihyun

You would like after the busy day of visiting Jungkook in the morning then, seeing Mia at lunch and then to spend the evening at the park running around he would be tired but no. He's wide awake and in his little Star Wars pjs he's decided to play.

Though I couldn't resist his adorable laugh and go along with it anyway with brush in hand trying to chance him. In reality I could of grabbed him by now but he was clearly having fun.

He jumped onto the sofa and spins around and throw his bunny at me which lands to my face. I stopped and stared at him in disbelief.

"Jihyun how could you throw your bunny at mommy like that?!"

He laughs with his hands on his tummy throwing his head back. So I take the chance to leap over to him grabbing him quickly and spin him arising while he squeals at getting caught.

"I caught you!"

"No mommy! Put me down!" Jihyun

All while laughing I didn't let him go and walked away from the couch but my sights randomly set out to look out the window but I stopped in my tracks with my son in my arms when I noticed something odd. A car.

A car that I have noticed recently that has been following me and there was a man sitting inside it just looking around. I couldn't see his face from the angle but I could see his hands tapping on his steering wheel. Is that jaehyun?

I put Jihyun down and he squeal with excitement of being let go and runs off to his bedroom while I take my phone out my pocket and call Jungkook to come over. I mean if it's jaehyun watching wouldn't it be best to ask Jungkook to come over and check?

So I called Jungkook to ask him.

"Hi Y/n, what's wrong?" Jungkook

It was as if he already knew something was wrong probably due to the fact I was calling him at this time.

"Jungkook could you come over I think we're being watched."

"Jaehyun?" Jungkook

His voice was deepened from the other side but I nod and peer out the window at the unknown car.

"Yes I think so. It's the same car that had been following me lately."

"I'll be right there. Don't go outside. I'll see you in a bit." Jungkook

He then hung up the call not giving me a a chance to respond but I didn't mind. I just felt better knowing Jungkook was on his way over. Then putting my phone back in my pocket did I go looking for Jihyun so I can finally brush his hair before it fully dries or it'll stick up everywhere.

I found him giggling from underneath my bed in my bedroom just when I truly thought he was in his own bedroom but obviously not. I pulled him out and managed to keep him in place this time and brush his hair neatly and then took him to the living room for some cartoons before bed and I prepared a milkshake before it's time for him to brush his teeth just before he goes to bed.

Taking his little spider man cup filled with milkshake I went back into the living room to see Jihyun cuddled on the sofa with a blanket rubbing his eyes engrossed in watching spiderman in the tv, the cartoon vision for now. I passed him and he cutely thanked me for it in his cute little voice. I stayed close his side just thinking about Jaehyun possibly being that guy outside watching my apartment building and when Jungkook gets here if he'll confront him or not. I'm sure theres a lot Jungkook would like to do with Jaehyun I'm sure.

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