Chapter 29

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There he was, finally after a few weeks he's standing in front of me thankfully fully clothed but with wet hair, rubbing the towel against it.

He sighed and walked towards his bed, throwing the towel on to a small table just to the side to then sit in his bed.

"To be honest I didn't think you'd actually come here." Jungkook

He speaks so well for someone that's apparently drunk.

"I thought you were drunk?"

With his eyes lighting up at my question he glanced at Hobi and Jin just behind me and then back to me with no expression shown on his face.

"The shower sobered me up a little and I wasn't fully drunk. I'd never allow myself to get that drunk again." Jungkook

His sights dropped to the floor. I knew exactly what he meant.

"You can sit down somewhere you know. I can tell this will be a long conversation and you'll have a lot to say or ask." Jungkook

I nod to inch my way to a chair he had in the corner of the room, not taking my eyes off him for a second or to even trust him enough to turn my back to him.

When I sat down both Jin and Hobi stood there watching the two of us closely.

"Do you still want us to stay y/n? We can leave if you want or stay it doesn't bother us?" Jin

"BUT if we leave I'm going no further than yoongis room with that DOOR open, do you understand Jungkook?" Hobi

He glared at Jungkook with a pointed finger at him. Jungkook only nodded, staring down to the floor with his elbows on his knees.

"So Y/n, do you still want us to stay with you?" Jin

I crossed my arms over my chest, watching Jungkook sitting on his bed quietly. He hasn't even looked at me since I sat in this chair. Just watching him right now only reminds me of that shy boy I use to know in school, a guy that couldn't possibly be capable of hurting me in anyway or anyone for that matter.

Do I want Jin and Hobi to go?

No, I don't.

But would I get much out of Jungkook if they were here?

Probably not and sitting where I am right now, from this distance and from the view I can see right throw the third door that leads to Yoongis bedroom. I can see how Yoongi was laying down on his bed, one arm behind his head as he scrolls on his phone.

Maybe it would be okay if it was just the two of us in this room but ONLY with the door open and Jungkook far away from it.

"I don't want any of you to leave, but maybe......maybe it would be best for the both of us to speak alone."

"Y/n, I'm not closing that door if you want us to leave. I'll for the both of you speaking but not totally alone." Hobi

I sighed to look at Hobi how was looking at me like I was out of my mind right now, but I need to talk to Jungkook and I have this funny feeling he won't talk much when he can see his two friends standing there.

"I don't want the door closed Hobi. I don't want to be completely alone with him, just enough to speak to one another. Like he said, this is going to be a long conversation."

I eyed Jungkook quietly on the bed who was now staring right at me. My breath hitched, noticing him looking at me the way he was and he immediately looked back down at the floor.

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