Chapter 2 camp-halfblood and quests?

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It's been two years since Percy fought Kronos and then came back after he disappeared there's a prophecy that everyone is for sure involves me and Percy in defeating Gaea along the way he met frank and hazel from Roman he had told us all about him and how Nico knew about them the whole time

I told Percy about piper and Jason who were from the Roman city (not the real one of course) and some Demi-god names Leo, I had been training a lot for the prophecy which had panicked the hell out of me everyone believes it's about the 4 Roman demi-gods and me, Percy, Annabeth, Leo, and Nico but there would only be two Demi-gods who would defeat Gaea from one of the big three

Eight half-bloods shall answer the

call to storm or fire the world must

fall an oath to keep with a final breath and

foes bear arms to the doors of death

Where one most powerful shall
Put them to rest from the big three with mixed blood flesh.

Although Chiron believes this is only part of the big prophecy they believe I'm the one who is to defeat Gaea entirely with the help and also because I'm the only powerful person in camp with mixed powers with a gods blood and witch

I hate me more than anything I hate being the most powerful demigod witch at camp I don't know much about my witch half until now

"Vivian I know that you are a mixed witch and god making you be almost more powerful than the gods and I know that you want this prophecy to be over with but I've been keeping this from you in the original prophecy you are to meet the other half of your blood I don't know if it's a good idea seeing as what happened during your 2nd year when clarrise made you mad and you started a very powerful earthquake but you have to go I already informed Percy and the others they will also be going along" Chiron gave a blank face

"What?!... I help Percy save the world from Kronos I lost my friends, my family
Not to mention the fact that I have other things to worry about I need to train" I exclaim getting frustrated

"Vivian you need to calm," Chiron says calmly

I can feel my body shaking violently I never mentioned this but during the war with Kronos I helped fight the demigod who betrayed us and helped Kronos and while trying to fight some at my house when I went to visit my mother they managed to kill her she was pregnant with Ashton clints baby my soon to be stepfather who was also killed I was left alone no one to comfort me I mourned them for a month barely ate and ignored everyone I turned dark that day I lost Sarah during the fight and nearly lost my only family left which was Percy, Annabeth, and Nico

"When do we leave Chiron," I say through my teeth

"Tomorrow morning you will be placed as fourth years, and since you, about to turn 17 soon your father left you a gift"

Chiron hands me a shell necklace with a pearl on it

"What the hell am I supposed to do with a pearl necklace?" I exclaim

"It's not just a pearl necklace it links to the blue-spotted Pegasus if you lose it just like riptidon it will appear back on you just call to the blue-spotted Pegasus and it will appear," he said

During my twelfth birthday I got a sword called riptidon it is similar to riptide it's made of celestial bronze just like riptide but it takes a different form instead of a pen it's a lipstick container yeah I know I thought the same thing it appears in pocket anytime I lose it

"Huh cool it's mine only right no one else can call to it but me right?" I asked amused

Chiron smiles "yes it only listens to your calls"

"Cool," I say

"I know these past years had been hard on you Vivian but you shouldn't push people away because you're going to need them you can't keep everyone out," he says comfortingly

"I have to Chiron I can't let people get hurt because of me," I say with a calm and blank face to stop him from reading me

He only nods his head signaling I can leave

I go to the Poseidon cabin and start packing clothes consisting of many ripped tight black skinny jeans and regular pairs and white, red, black, and dark blue shirts

I pack some makeup along with these items I don't really use makeup considering everyone demigod seems to attract humans without it our skin is smooth and we don't have any acne, our skin always seems to glow, our eyes are brighter shades than normal or darker but I guess that's the upside of being half god since gods are made out to be flawless with beautiful perfect skin and muscles just the right amount but I even I have to admit I look more godly like than half the Demi gods here my skin has no blemishes, my skin glows, my eyes are the most rarest color and they tend to glow when I'm happy or angry I can feel it when they do according to Chiron the last person who had my eyes was a minor god born from one of Poseidon's flings and that was over three million years ago, my muscles aren't bulky but smooth they don't show any trace of muscles but If I were to ouch you I'd break a bone I know because I accidentally broke Leo's arm with a small ouch to me but I learned to control my strength and power

One year I caused an earthquake when clarrise set fire to my clothes and belongings I hadn't meant to get mad and I was bringing up water to splash her in the face but went too far, there were news reports about it all year no one has any idea where it came from I had caused a crack in the earth on and island and nearly caused a tsunami in California then on Chiron made me practice every day for five hours to control my powers Which I eventually learned to do

I don't know the limit to my powers but I don't think I do want to know I have a feeling I could destroy planets if I tried

I walk out and find Percy waiting for me

"Hey sea head, how did it go," Percy says smiling I can't help but smile back at Percy

"Fine I guess, and if I'm a sea head then so are you we have the same dad" I point out

Percy shrugs and laughs

"Also quit being a seaweed brain" I laugh

It feels good to laugh I'm only nice and open to people I trust if I don't know you then I give a blank face and cold stare which is most of the time

"Listen, Vi, I know it's been hard the two years but just know I'm proud of you if I was you at the time and lost everyone I would have gave up but you stayed strong" he comes up to me and hugs me and for once in a while, I sob but hurt and stop

"I love you Percy your the best big brother I could ever ask for," I say hugging him tightly

"Don't be getting soft on me now Vi now come on we should start packing and talk to the rest of the group about our plans"

I nod my head and we head to the cabin

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now