Chapter 13 draco malfoy

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(Okay sorry if not all my chapters have a name it's just it's hard to think of one)

I got shoved into the pale boy by Nico Who apologizes for shoving me into him

"Oops sorry didn't you see you there" I laugh

The boy beside me looks at me with an amused look "it's fine" he says coldly

"When did you even move there in the first place" I ask but I don't give him any emotions

"When pansy moved back to sit beside of me" he says in an annoyed tone

"Cool" I say awkwardly

"I'm guessing you don't know who I am" he points out "no I don't know who you are" I point out the obvious

"I'm Draco Malfoy" he says with a cold stare

"I'm Vivian Diaz Alice, but call me Vi" I say to lessen the awkwardness "you seem to attract a lot of attention" he says

"Yeah and...what do you expect me to do about it it's not my fault people like to stare" I says rudely


Draco's POV:

Pansy won't stop playing with my hand and trying to grab me underneath the table. I keep having to push her hand away at one point I would have let her I used to think it fun to tease the girls here at hogwarts but pansy is getting too annoying And my interest is somewhere else right now

I can't seem to stop looking at the new girl who's name is Vivian there's something about her that attracts me to her maybe it's how eyes are the lightest shade of amber with specks of sea blue in them and how they glow or how beautiful her skin glows and the way her robes seem to cling to her curves I won't deny she does look godly like as how the hat put it

And I can't help but think about her body and stare at her I can tell Parkinson noticed because she gets up and goes and tries to make friends with her but to be rejected

I try listening to her and that Nico boy's conversation and get out a few words and she starts laughing and it sounds almost to perfect like she doesn't laugh that often

She turns her head and I swear I think she caught me staring at her but to hear pansy say a rude remark But it doesn't stop the girl from making one back and I have to admit it was funny and it seems this girl knows how powerful her looks are because she uses that against pansy who gets mad and embarrassed and makes a Scene

"Raise your hand if you Think Vivian is the hottest girl in the school" pansy shouts and vivaian steps out into the the middle of the room and immediately everyone's hands go up including mine and I see a smirk rise on her face

"No not everyone think your all this" pansy retorts as she points to a guy who looks similar to Vivian they have sea color in there eyes and They both have dark hair that seem to wave like the ocean

"Well I would think so since he's my half brother don't you think? Or are you a incest freak" she laughs at pansy that almost has a power behind it

"No I'm not!" Pansy's face has reddened and everyone is laughing at what Vivian has said

Pansy goes to sit back next to me but I get up and move to the girl That pansy glares at but she doesn't seem to care or notice

I'm sitting there eating and notice she hasn't even put a single thing on her plate neither has the boy she's talking

And I'm about to ask why before she's shoved into me

When I feel her body touch mine there fire sensation not particularly in a bad way but in a good way it's weird that my body reacted that way to her touch because even thought she's attractive I don't have any attraction to her

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