Chapter 16 attraction

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Draco's POV:

I can't believe Vivian has a Pegasus I had read about them in books at hogwarts and I once asked my father if he could get me one my birthday but he said that was impossible and they probably didn't exist anymore I look at the Pegasus it's a beauty with sea-blue streaks covered on the sides of it and it has a midnight blue coat that almost looks like it has a velvet touch to it, it's my turn to ride on the Pegasus with her And I'm still pissed that she's been hanging out with Potter

She tries helping me up but I slap her hand away and again there's and electric feeling when my skin touches hers I pull myself up and almost fall while doing so

"You ready?" She in cold tone that has no emotion toward me

I nod my head

"You might want to hold on" she seems very distant from people..well besides her friends of course but I watch her during lunch and classes sometimes she almost catches me but I look away quickly like the day when she got me staring at her mouth while she was tying a cherry I felt embarrassed I was imagining what her mouth could do and when she caught me I felt like she could hear my dirty thoughts and I felt embarrassed as hell.

And the horse zooms in the air and I almost fall back but I grab onto her waist when we get in the air I have my face against her back from being freaked out about my almost fall I slowly raise my head look at the view that is before my eye It's a beautiful sight and I look at Vivian who looks even more beautiful than the view the way her hair glows back if perfect waves and eyes seem to glow with adrenaline I feel the same fire burn through me and I notice I'm clutching her waist and I can't help but move my hands down her curves I don't think she noticed because she didn't smack me when I did or if she did she ignored it

I can feel the way they fit perfectly in my hands and how my body over shadows hers and how my body reacts to her touch I wonder if she feels it too

"What are you staring at" Her tone has a bit of amusement like she knows what I'm thinking

'You' since the beginning "I thought there was a bug on your face" it comes out harshly

"Malfoy don't think I won't push you off" I flinch at her calling me malfoy I don't know why but it hurt "I rather be called Draco"

"Okay Malfoy" I can sense the amusement in her voice and I know she's trying to annoy me but I roll my eyes

"Whatever Diaz" I look at her to see if she got mad but she doesn't she has a smirk on her face and the Pegasus tilts to the side and starts circling upside down I panicked and grab onto her waist and scream "Vivian I swear if you don't stop"

"Say it nicely then maybe I will" she says In a taunting voice but I don't oblige and she lets go of the horse making me panic but she manages to stay on The horse upside down

"If you don't say it then I will happily let go of the horse and see how long it takes us to fall" I have a feeling she's being serious

"Okay okay, please Vivian stop" she laughs and the horse immediately turns back upright and I gasp for air and clutch onto her

I don't know if it's me but I could have sworn I felt her snuggle closer to me and relax but then she smacks me to loosen my grip and then I doubt it

We fly a few more rounds before landing and she jumps off and I follow behind her feeling dizzy from being upside down

"You can return back midnight" she tells the horse and Percy come up behind her "I thought we were going to race?"

"You still want to do that" she says with exhaustion

Percy shrugs "no not really but I expected you would still want to" be laughs


Vivian's POV

    I'm walking back to the common room before dinner starts and I can't help but hunk about Draco.

Why did I feel so comfortable with him? Why do I feel some sort of attraction to him? Why does my body react to his touch?

Not only is my body reacting to him it seems to react to Harry too like when he hugged me today my stomach went into small butterflies and I started to blushing

Since when do I blush? I swear this place is changing me

I walk to the common room and find all the Slytherins there I sit beside Ella

"What's up El'" she smiles and looks at me "just going over my studies are you excited about the triwizard tournament?"

"It sounds cool I guess"

"Yeah to bad only wizards at the age of 17 or older can enter, hey you should try out for quidditch" I look at her confused "what's quidditch?" Ella takes an hour of explaining what quidditch is and how there's a three chasers, two beaters, one keeper, and one seeker.

"When are tryouts?" I ask it seems interesting and competitive something that I miss I was always competitive at camp when we had capture the flag or duels with our sword, archery we were always learning new ways to defend ourselves

After we head to The Great Hall for dinner I go to the common room and i look out the window that is under the black lake I see a squid

"Hello my lady"

"Hello" I respond

"Please give thanks to our lord Poseidon" it says kindly and I nod

I lay back in the chair I'm seated at and think about my happy days at camp and how I wish it were the way it was before the quests and deaths. I think back to the days were I would train and always win in sword fights unless it came to Percy who would always be better than me at that bat I had the better battling strategies

I walk up to the girl Slytherin rooms and change into my night wear and decide to wear some loose sweats and a black tank the sweats just below belly button almost reaching my hips and I brush my teeth and wash my face

I walk back down to the common room and begin studying for my classes Annabeth had found a spell that transfers the writing in Greek so now I can read all my books

I'm studying for Herbology when I'm interrupted from someone sitting beside me and I look over to see draco but I ignore his presence

"What are you studying for?" He looks over my shoulder and I can smell mint off his breath


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