The train to hogwarts

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Summer had ended quickly. I ended up going to the beach for the rest of the summer and visited camp half-blood. News had come that Percy and Annabeth were fine and opened the door of death. There's one thing certain the war is close and it's not going to be pretty.


I get on the train to hogwarts and look for an empty compartment all the other ones seem to be full but I finally find one in the back that's empty. I place my stuff down I had finally gotten an owl it was white and had violet eyes a rare breed apparently.

"Mine if we sit here? Everywhere else is full" I look up to see Ron, Harry, and Hermione. "Sure I don't see why not" I say in my best British accent which was actually really good. "Bloody hell how'd you do that?" Ron asks with wide eyes

"Pretty easy to be honest, just like how British English people can speak American..well some any way" I point out

"She's got a point I've seen plenty of shows where British actors speak American like Tom Holland, the girl from walking dead, Freddie highmore," I tune Hermione out as she continues to list famous actors who are British but can speak American

"Vivian? You alright?" I turn to look at Harry who also s seems to have blocked out Hermione's rant of British actors
"Yeah I'm fine just bored and worried about the war" but I'm guessing Harry's got a bit of a mess himself

"How about you, you got a psychotic wizard on the loose who's trying to kill you." I half joke. Which earns a grin

"No, yeah your right but it's nothing compared to what your gonna have to go through" I sigh and nod my head and look out the window "yeah I know"

I watch the trees and hills pass by drifting off into a slumber


"You can't stay hidden and safe forever Vivian Alice Diaz soon you'll have to return to camp half-blood and fight this war"  I see one of Gaea's recruiters

"You know she can't hear you right" another hisses

"Oh but I have a feeling she's listening in right now" it hisses back

"Perseus Jackson might have escaped but when this war comes its her I want to kill she killed my beloved brother" the monster screeches

"Enjoy the humane world as you know it is now because soon you'll join your mommy" he carckles and then lunges at me

I come out of my visioned dream and hear  Ron Ann Hermione I haven't yet to open my eyes. "Is she alright?"

"Is she alive"

"Yes Ronald she's alive can you be anymore dim witted if she wasn't alive she wouldn't be breathing" Hermione exclaims. I hear a light smack and Ron growling at Hermione

"Well If  your the bloody expert why don't you wake her up and why was she thrashing around in the ground" Ron says in bewilderment and worry looking at the still breathing girl who seems to calm after just ten full minutes of you thrashing while Harry tried to hold you down, then ended up being thrown back and you falling to the floor thrashing.

"I don't know Ron she isn't exactly human and barely even a witch...wait what's wrong with her arm it's bleeding" at that I decide to open my eyes and sit up grabbing my arm wincing

"Oh good your awake" Hermione says looking at Ron in an 'I told you so way' "told you she'd be fine" and there it is the secret version of saying I told you so

"Your bleeding" she says taking my arm I let her grab my arm and didn't even pay attention to the blood until Hermione squeals

"V-vi-Vivian your b-blood" she stutters out making me look at her confused
"What it's just blood same blood as everyone else nothing special" I say looking at her dumbly not understanding what's wrong

"You might want to rethink that mate" Ron says wincing at you while looking at your arm while also having interest  "look at it" Ron says

I look at my arm and I can't believe what I'm seeing my arm! It bleeding! But the blood it's bleeding out red and gold mixed blood! Gold blood only the gods are supposed to have!  What's happening to me! But why am i also bleeding normal blood?

"We need to get to hogwarts fast this is not normal not for a demigod at least" I say looking worriedly at my arm

Bet you didn't see That one coming...but then again who knows

Did you guys see it coming?

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now