Chapter 10 meeting vivian

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Harry's POV

I could feel the eagerness of everyone waiting to see who this girl would be sorted in and I can feel the power that radiates off her, she is almost godly like the hat had said but I don't understand why the staff and ghost are treating her like she's high class, maybe she's from a royal family?

"Oh bloody hell, Harry do you see her isn't she Hot? I've never seen someone so beautiful do you think she would be friends with us?" Ron is gaping and Hermione is glaring at him for it

"Slytherin!" The hat finally calls, she looks annoyed and her eyes seemed to glow but when she closed her eyes they seemed to stop but it was probably just the lighting

"For merlins sake Ron! stop gaping before you catch a fly in your mouth" Hermione scolds him

Hermione turns to a girl with very gray blue eyes who seems to be calculating everything

"Hello, my name is Hermione I'm so happy that you were placed in Gryffindor" Hermione says politely

"Hi, Hermione my name is Annabeth and me too" she says amusingly

"Are you from here you seem to have a different accent" Ron butts in but Hermione elbows him in the ribs

"That wasn't a polite thing to ask Ron!" Hermione scolds

But Annabeth and a boy beside her laugh

I notice how him, Vivian, that Nico boy and The blonde boy radiate power but not as strong as the girl who seems to perfect for our world

"No it's fine" Annabeth states" and actually we are from America we transferred here because we didn't seem to like the school over there"

"Oh, well hogwarts is the best wizarding school"

"Who was that girl, that was up there?" ron asks

The boy with sea green eyes and dark hair like Vivian's speaks

"Yeah, that's my half sister Vivian she can have a bad temper sometimes but we learned to put up with it" he says jokingly

"And In no offense but who are you?" Ron scoffs a little

"I'm Percy Jackson" he says cooly

Now that I've looked at him he looks a lot similar to the girl they have the same ocean waved hair and she seems to have sea green in her eyes also but hers are more so of a golden color

"Do you all know each other?" Hermione asks

"Well the first years no, but the older ones yes some of them are my cousins like Nico and Jason and some I met at camp" Percy states

"Do you and Vivian have different parents?" Ron asked

"Uh yes we have the same father but different mothers but honestly it feels nothing different she's my little sister and that's that" Percy shrugs

"Well there's one thing I can say your sister is Hot" Fred grins

Percy laughs awkwardly "yeah your not the first I don't know how many boys and men she had to turn down probably half the population in the United States"

They laugh "I'm Fred, ronalds older brother"

"What have I told you about calling me that"Ron says rudely

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