Chapter 40:A truth spoken

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As soon as we pull into hogwarts we get into the carriage and proceed to hogwart I can't stop the pounding In my heart and the blood rushing through me. I feel worried but mostly angry because there always to be a secret that's kept from me like this stupid mission I'm on. I'm not getting any information on why I'm really here and then of course something fucking happens while there's a war coming so typical right!?

"We need to get to hogwarts fast and we need to call Chiron to hogwarts I need answers now" I say commandingly I normally only speak like this at camp and use my cold tone. I'm only rude to the people I don't trust or care for.

"Vi you should calm down your eyes there glowing very vibrantly and bright" Hermione says timidly trying not to push me over edge scared of what might happen "listen I don't have time for this bullshit I'm traveling to hogwarts by the lake I'll meet you guys there" I hear the coldness and harshness of my tone and see them flinch back from using this tone with them.

"Okay Vivian be carful" I nod slightly and step out of the carriage and make my way to the lake and travel to hogwarts as soon as my feet hit the ground I run and feel the power course through my body and blood. I feel the power of a god.

"Dumbledore we need to speak!" I yell harshly barging into the great hall catching the eye of students. But dumbledore stays calm and head towards me walking past me beckoning me to follow.

"There something going on and I need to call Chiron here to hogwarts I need to speak to him and obviously I can't go to camp right now" I say rudely but I feel I have every right, right now! I mean damn it's not everyday a demigod has gold and red blood flowing from them! I mean how come I didn't notice it before I mean I have periods also!? But then again who stares at the blood that just came out of them?

"I understands that your angry Diaz and I assure you I will call your professor here" he says calmly "but until Then why don't we head back into the great hall for dinner and then we can talk" I huff out a breath in annoyance. what was The whole point of bringing me all the way to his office if we're going back not discussing anything.

I think dumbledore read my mind because he replies with this.

"Sadly Vivian as much I want to help you this isn't really my place yet" yet! What does he mean yet!? "I think it would be more appropriate if you spoke while me and your old professor were here"

"Fine! whatever! what was even the damn point dragging me out of the great hall if your not gonna give me answers" I huff before walking away


I'm seated down at the slytherin table beside Draco. Ella has transferred to beubaxton academy after everything that happened Saying how her mother and father didn't want her at hogwarts with everything that's going on. But we still owl each other every week on Wednesday and Fridays.

"Are you alright love?" Draco says while eyeing me carefully. I think my eyes are still glowing because people are eyeing me warily and some of the guys are basically just drooling over me. Gross. (Imagine eye roll lol)

"Yes I'm fine" I say coldly and look at my food not in the mood to eat. I don't know if it's weird to say this but I miss sacrificing half of my portion of the food to the gods it was the one thing that was home-y to me I'm gonna have to arrange something with dumbledore.

"I would like to have your attention students of hogwarts new and old, now I know I stated the feast a bit early and I hope you welcome unbridge here in respect. But some changes need to be made" he says and professor McGonagall steps forward with the sorting hat

"Miss. Diaz would you please step up to the front and place the sorting hat on your head" Professor dumbledore calls out. I roll my eyes but walk up anyway.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now