Chapter 8 the sorting part two

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Percy's POV

Annabeth has been sorted into Gryffindor and Jason is up next the day seems to be talking to him because Jason's face flashes with recognition of anger and then calm
And is soon sorted in Gryffindor It soon goes to hazel who is sorted into Hufflepuff and her robes add in a yellow and black color

It's then frank who is immediately sorted into Gryffindor and then Leo who's sorted into Ravenclaw and piper who is also sorted into Ravenclaw who's robes have blue and bronze added to theirs also

It's me next and I step up not giving a single glance to anyone everyone eyes seemed to stare longer than usual and their mouths almost agape The hat is soon placed on my head

"Ahh Perseus Jackson son of the sea god Poseidon oh and seems your not the only child either one more powerful than you Almost godly even" that amuses "I'm going to take a peek through your memory so be aware" all of a sudden a rush of memories erupt into my head me meeting Annabeth, my mother being kidnapped by Hades going to the underworld with Annabeth and Grover, fighting Ares, meeting Nico and Bianca Zoë nightshade dying, promising Nico, Bianca dying, Silena dying, Charles and last defeating Kronos and watching Luke Castellan Percy flashed with anger and sadness his eyes looking like the stormy ocean during a hurricane

The hat spoke in Percy's head "ahh loyalty, bravery, and wise but not exactly cunning though you could fit In well with them oh where to put you?"

The hat seems to argue in its head until it yells.

"Gryffindor" I got to where Annabeth is and she's sitting beside a boy with a lightning mark on his head with rimmed glasses I look around for Vivian but I don't see her and Annabeth notices and nods to the door


Nico's POV

"Nico di Angelo" my name is called and I walk up to the chair I can practically feel the chills that run down these people spine's when they see me, the shadows that seem to follow my every move linger on me. I go up to the chair and immediately the hat is placed on my head I think about Vivian in my head hoping she cools I could feel the power that radiated off her and her eyes were glowing all too bright the blue shining brighter the almost golden rims of her eyes shining so bright you feel as if you could be killed just looking at them but they still have a soothing calmness to them That almost make you entranced in them, even I know how she stands out from all the other demigods and witches and wizards when she comes by nymphs and Pegasus and almost anything that knows about our existence they bow to her she ignores it though.

There have been so many males that she's attracted and turned down that I feel it has been most of the population on earth
She won't let anyone love her or let anyone know she loves them the friendly way or not she pushes us away she's my closest friend she opens up to me when she believes it's necessary and I know We would all lose it if she were to die.

"Hello my lord" the hat speaks in my head " I will be going through your memories so I can sort you so please be aware child of Hades" in big eruption my memories come bubbling in my head of Bianca dying, meeting Vivian, killing monsters, taking Percy to the underworld almost giving him up to my father, going into the labyrinth, summoning skeleton warriors, helping fight in the war against Kronos, meeting hazel, Percy finding out I knew about the Romans And then it stops

"Well there's no hesitation on to where you belong," the hat says

"Slytherin!" the hat shouts and looks clapping and hoots erupt for the Slytherin table but my mind isn't on that, it's on Vivian

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