Chapter 51: hogmeade

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I walk hand in hand with Draco through the halls to the entrance of Hogwarts to go to hogsmeade. He's carrying a briefcase which I find odd but don't question it besides when have I known Draco to be anything but completely normal especially Hogwarts it's like another version of camp half-blood. But while we're waking I can't help but think about the future me and Draco will have. We would move into my home together me and him and get married in the back yard with close friends and family along with several other guests. We would go on a honeymoon and a year or two later of our first human growing inside me.

We would have a nice future where we both work for the ministry or doing something in that sort. But merlins beard I haven't even met his parents and he hasn't even met sally. I with my mom was still alive because I know she would freak over the wedding. She basically would be the one in control. She always talked about how someday she would be the one to walk me down the aisle as a joke of her being my mother and father in one. My mother was kind, girly, strong, and independent she didn't want to marry because she said she had me and that was all the love she needed. I wish it didn't have to take her death and Draco's love to realize I love her.

"You alright love?" Draco asks with a look of concern written across his face.

"Oh yeah I'm just thinking" I say dismissively I don't want to talk about my mother to him yet and I definitely don't want to talk about meeting his parents yet. That thought alone scares me.

"You know you haven't met my parents yet?" Oh dear gods No!! Don't you dare!! Damnit father this was your doing wasn't it or wasn't it you Aphrodite you Manipulated bi-.

"And of course I would need to meet your adoptive mother sally right?" He says I smile at the thought of him meeting sally it would be hilarious watching him eat blue food.

"Yeah, hopefully everything goes alright after the war and we'll get to that point" I say smiling.

"Yeah sounds a bit better" he says with his heavily British accent.

"Hey Draco, do you ever try to speak American?" I ask him out of the blue.

"What?" He asks confused "well you know sometimes I used to British people impersonations and I was wondering if British people do that too?"

"I guess so... well I've tried at least but I always end up sounding like drunk" he laughs.

"Well I think I do an amazing British accent" I say giggling. "Really?" I nod

"Well lets hear it" he says grinning. I blush at the attention.

"Alright love, I swear I can't tell if your acting like a fit sometimes or not?" I say in a bristly accent.

"Ouch! That hurt vi a lot you think I'm a git" he says faking offense. "By the way that's a great accent if I didn't know you already I would have thought your were British" he says smiling.

"Thanks I try" I mock his accent. He burst out laughing. "Care for a butterbeer my lady" he says in a posh tone I just giggle and nod.

As we walk into the three broomsticks Draco goes to the bathroom and I order our drinks.
I wait until he finally comes out and our drinks arrive just as he comes back to the table.

"How about we take these to go" he says rushed.

"Umm.. sure?" I say confused. As we walk out Draco grabs my hand and walks faster in a rush. He's acting weird "Draco! Slow down or we won't have butterbeers to finish you nearly spilled them all" I scold. He looks quickly behind us before waking fast again.

"Draco Lucius malfoy! Dammit" he finally stops walking and turns to look at me. He looks worried and afraid. "What's wrong Draco" I look around at him and notice his briefcase is missing. "And where's you're briefcase"

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