Chapter 41: what I've learned

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I'm walking into my first class which is DADA (defense against the dark arts for anyone who doesn't know) I get seated in the back since I don't really want to be the attention of everyone after last night. And thankfully no one notices me at least that's what I thought...until Draco airs beside me.

"What happened last night Vivian, I hope nothing bad happened" he says with concerned laced in. I look at him and give him a smile "No he didn't do anything to hurt me he wouldn't do that, but I did learn some life changing news but I think it's better to wait and tell you later" I say speaking lowly and quietly

"Alright but you promise to tell me" he says warily looking for a hint of me lying
"Yes Draco I promise" I say rolling my eyes but smiling all the same.

He grins at me before cupping my face in his hands and kissing me which I happily kiss back. He pulls back faster than I wanted and I pout at him jokingly which earns a smirk.

"Don't worry Vivian I got something better planned later" he says whispering in my ear sending chills down my spine and my stomach to flutter at his words. Draco looks at a paper bird flying around the classroom beige it is doomed burned by a lady who looks similar to a toad and dress in pink clothing honestly my eyes are burning at the sight.

"Good morning" she says strutting (I think is what she's doing, looks more like she's waddling like a fucking penguin) tot he front of the room looking at everyone as some kids respond with a unemotional 'good morning' and some stay quiet.

"Oh no that won't do" she say with her hands placed on her hips. "Now repeat after me 'good morning, Professor umbridge" She says everyone seems to be frightened of her except me and Harry.

"Good morning, Professor unbridge" students say earning a pleased smile from barfidge.

"Ahh but though most of you said it I do believe miss.vivian here didn't participate so please do" she says look at me

"No fucking way am I say good morning to you, I rather go to Tartarus" I say giving a deadly scowl. I see her get uncomfortable and shift uneasily before faking a huge smile

"I am the teacher here you will do as I say" she says sternly but it doesn't faze me but I give in to the bitch just to get it over and done with.

"Fine!" I say ok annoyance

"Good morning, Professor barfidge" I say glaring at her "I will not tolerate disrespect in my classroom miss.vivian I won't hesitate to give you detention" I look at her and shrug my shoulders "wouldn't be the worst thing that has happened" I say absently

"Oh really and what is that is far worse than detention?" She she looking at me with a grin

"I've got expelled from over seven schools and suspensions before it wouldn't bother or kill me to get a simple detention" I say in a bored tone

She looks at me before turning around in defeat and begins to speak to everyone
"Today we will be starting a new course" she Says handing out books With her wand.

"Basics for beginners" someone says

"This books has nothing to do with using defensive spells" hermione says earning a groans from students who are hating this class.

"We're not gonna use spells" Ron exclaims with a groan In disbelief.

"I don't understand why you would be needing to use spells in my classroom " she says holding a smile that's fake as the  kardashians.

"To protects ourselves against dark magic of course" Harry puts in

"And who would you need protecting from Mr.potter?" She says in annoying voice

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