Chapter 68: aghhh!!!

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Draco and I are getting the baby some more pacifiers since he's due in two weeks. I have been getting very cautious of myself. We are having the baby here in our home since there isn't really a hospital I can give birth at unless I go to the muggle world and the only thing remotely close to a hospital for babies is the place I go to get my ultrasounds but even they don't have a place where I can give birth. Narcissa has gotten House wives or whatever they are called to help me perform birth when the time comes.

When me and draco arrive home I decide to Make a pizza by hand. I get out everything I need to make the dough and I get out some pizza sauce and pepperonis. When I get everything done and in the oven Draco comes in and grabs cup of water. He takes a sip and wraps his arms around me and gently holds my belly. Scorpius has been kicking a lot lately and it's kind of tiring.

"I love you" he whispers into my ear. I look up at him and pull him into a kiss. "I love you too"

I ask the house elves to fe the pizza out of the oven when it's time. Draco leads me into the living area and sits down on the couch leaving space for me to sit and lay my legs across his lap. "I can't believe he's almost here" Draco beams. He raises my shirt up and caresses my stomach getting a kick from Scorpius.

"Little kicker he his, I guess he gets his attitude from you" he taunts. I shove him playfully and rest my hand atop of his that lays on my stomach. "Are you sure?, well I just hope he doesn't turn out it be a ferret" I joke. But he glares instead of taking it light heartedly.

"That's not funny, you better not tell him about that when he's older" he warns me. "Whatever, I do as I please" I say shoving him.

"Right" he scoffs and turns to look at the Tv. I play with Draco's finger as he watches Tv and run my fingers down the lines in his skin.
"I don't want to tell him" he suddenly says. I look at him confused.

"I don't want him to know about the things I've had to do, about me being a death eater" he says his voice choking up a little. "I never wanted it...well at first I though I did but I realized how wrong I was I don't want to be like my father, he cared nothing more Ethan his reputation and I'm afraid I'm going to end up just like him" he says with sadness laced in.

I take his hand in mine and caress his cheek.
"Your not going to be like your father Draco, you seen what he done was wrong that is why you will be a much better father, you know what mistakes not the make and I know you will give him all the love he needs"  I say still caressing his cheek in my hand. He leans into my touch and I pull him into a kiss.

"Gods I love you, so much" he says deepening the kiss. I pull away and smile. "I love you more than two stars combined" I say to him.

"Is that so?" He smirks. I shove him away and stand up. He laughs as I walk away from him annoyed. Cheeky bastard.

I walk into the kitchen and see the house elves taking out the pizza. I dismiss them kindly and take it out and set it down to cool. I decide to get a cup of juice and take my pregnancy vitamins. I set the table and rinse my cup and pour water instead. Draco comes in and grabs a slice of pizza and eats it. I pick at mine not really feeling hungry anymore.

"I'm so bored" I tell him. He looks up from his food and looks at me. "Well what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know let's do something, like go to a park or somewhere" I say shrugging. I think for a moment at where we could go.

"Let's go see Ron and hermione, along with mrs.weasley" I say to him. He sighs and shakes his head.

"Why not?" I ask offended. "Because it's them and it's weird for me, we still aren't completely comfortable with each other" he says like it's so obvious.

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