Chapter 65: honeymoon pt2/going home

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Me and Draco have been her for two weeks now we've went out and explored went snorkeling and swimming a lot. It's been a lot of fun me and Draco would snuggle together at the end of the day and just relax. I can't wait until we get home though so I can tell everyone what we did and the different food we ate.

"Hello love, wanna go for a swim?" I Shake my head no. I've been feeling a little sick I think it's from where I've been swimming to much and I'm just getting home sick.

I lay down and take a nap not bothering to go to our bed and just sleep on the couch.

When I wake up draco is laid across me asleep also. Since when did he get here?

I go to move and he wakes up looking at me before smirking. "I was wondering when your were going to wake up, I wanted to make love to you but you were asleep"

"Really Draco? Who uses the term 'make love' anymore" I smile shaking my head in the process. He laughs beside scooping me up and carrying me to the room. We've also been doing a lot of that lately.

He tosses me on the bed before hover above me littering my face, jaw, and neck with kisses. I kiss his lips and he pushes me against the bed .I'm wearing only my robe and lingerie Narcissa packed me it took me a lot self talk just to wear it.

He pulls my hands above my head and kisses the skin of my breasts leaving little trails of love bites. I tug on his hair and he quickly removed his and mine clothing. I moan as he brushes against my woman hood. He Continues to kiss me deeply as I feel him enter me. I let out a moan and a heavy breath.

Draco kisses my lips one more time before thrusting into me. I feel so much pleasure I can't help the moans that escape my mouth I bite on his shoulder to try and stifle them but it's no use. Draco then flips us so I'm on top. We haven't done this position so I slowly move taking him deeper in me in this position.

I start to move my hips while Draco moans and groans putting his hands on my hips to fasten my pace. I let out loud moans as I feel him hit my sweet spot. We are then again flipped over with Draco hovering over me again and he thrust fast and hard. I feel my orgasm come and I can tell he's close too. I become a moaning and screaming mess.

"I'm gonna.." I pull his body against me as we both reach our highs. Draco Collapse on me and thrust a bit more before pulling out and laying down next to me.

"That was amazing as always" he says into my neck. I'm still a panting mess with eyes closed as I come down from my high. I feel draco kiss my cheek and I lay my head on his chest.

"How many times was that this past two weeks?" He asks I hear the smug look on his face. "I don't know" I reply.

"It was a lot, but I'm not counting you feel so good around me it's hard not to want you so badly" he whispers into my ear I can already tell he's not finished as he kisses my neck some more and we continue the night again.


We're leaving for home and I'm happy I just want to get away for my there I want to sleep in my own bed at our own house. As much as I love the ocean I can't stand being in the hot weather or the humid. It's fun when it's only a few days but too much and I feel sick and tired.

"Alright I've got all your bags put in the trunk, along with mine" Draco says giving me a kiss. I give him a tired smile and get in the car.

"I'm just ready to go home, I don't think I can stand another week here" I say to him. He nods resting his head on my lap as we drive to the airport it's going to be a long ride and I don't think either of us have the energy to talk.

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