Chapter 33

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I wake up to the sound of my phone alarm I had decided to set it up since lately I've been running late and skipping breakfast not that I mind that much since I don't really like eating in the early mornings.
I make my way to DADA and take a seat beside Hermione she seems to be in a very happy mood.

"What are you so excited about Hermione?" She jumps a little. I guess she didn't notice my presence so I chuckle at her little scare.

"You scared the life out of me vivian hasn't anyone ever told you not to scare someone" she says with a mocking tone

"Hmm" I pretend to think about it with my finger on my chin and head tilted to make it seem like I'm thinking "nope I guess not" I laugh and she playfully smack me on the arm



"I've heard Vivian" I look at her and her face is serious "heard what? I say looking at her suspiciously what does she know that I don't? "About you and Malfoy vi the whole school is taking about it...I can't believe you got Malfoy to fall for you"

"Who wouldn't I'm smart, talented, and sexy" I say winking and smirking at her she giggles and shakes her head

"Oh Vivian what would I do without your sarcasm?" She says tearing up

"Why are you crying Hermione?" She muffles a little before answering leaving me very confused "well after the war against gaea your going to leave us and go back to America and muggle school"

I laugh at her and her face contorts into confusion than anger "what so funny Vivian, are we not your friends..are we so bad of people that you don't have any sympathy for us?" I shake my head no

"Not all Hermione it's just I'm not moving back America after the war against Gaea, I'm staying here for the rest of my school life it's Chiron and Dumbledore's orders but after the war during summers I will be there for training a couple of weeks" Hermione goes back to being excited

"Oh how wonderful I'm so glad as much as I love those two gits I couldn't bare being by myself" I chuckle at her reaction

"Hey! We are right here you know" a voice says from behind us. I turn to see who shouted and it was ron and Harry
"Oh hey Harry, Ron" I say smirking and looking at Hermione who doesn't look a bit fazed

"Oops didn't see you there" she shrugs going back to reading Her book

"So you aren't leaving hogwarts after all" I shake my head no "no I'm not and I honestly rather not return to the mortal world and back to school it's so boring normally I used to sleep through all my classes"

They laugh and moody enters and we begin the lesson


I head to lunch we the trio and we go to our separate tables I sit beside Ella and Draco soon joins me giving me a soft kiss on the lips "hello love, how was your day?" He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers

"The usual as every other day" I reply with a sigh "anyway where were you I didn't see you in DADA or in any of the other classes" he shrugs

"I skipped I didn't feel like going into Moody's class is stupid and a waste of my time wait till father hears about this the school is already going to the dumps because of pottah" I roll my arms and slap his arm

"Don't talk shit about my friends or you won't have a mouth to speak with" I say threateningly but playfully "fine but just because there your friends doesn't mean I have to like them" He says while putting food on mine and his plate I wasn't really planning on eating but he keeps on insisting

"Vivian you've got to eat something since you skipped breakfast this morning" he says while taking a bite of his apple pie
"Ughhh I'm not really hungry"

"Vivian Diaz if you do not eat I will hold you down and make you eat" he says in threatening tone but it only make me laugh which he uses to his advantage and shoves pie in my mouth almost making me choke I close my mouth and chew and punch his arm "I almost choked on that you idiot"

He looks at me and smirks leaving down to whisper in my ear "that's not The only think you'll be choking on" he says seductively and I immediately feel my face go red and hot with embarrassment

"D-Draco s-stop I'm trying to eat your gonna make me sick"I stutter out and laugh. Which he rolls his eyes at

"Your such a pervert" I say and laugh and eat my pie "yeah whatever only for you though" he winks


It's after curfew and I'm the common room listening to music. I have my eyes closed so I didn't notice when someone walk up to me until they lay on me
"I open my eyes to see draco cuddled up to me on the couch laying on my stomach while his arms wrap around my waist. I move my hand to his hair and start playing with it until I feel my eyes get heavy and drift off to sleep with Draco still cuddled up to me also sleeping.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now