Chapter 31

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Vivian's POV

It's been a week and we are to leave soon but not before I have a word with Chiron. Me and Malfoy have spent a lot of time together while we're here mostly because he doesn't want to participate in any of the activities after the trio embarrassed him. But I've also been spending time with Harry too in a friendly way that is not sure if I could say the same about Draco though,  he still creeps into my mind somehow.

"Hey Vi you okay" speaking of the slytherin prince himself he knocks off of my trance "yeah I'm fine I was just thinking" I smile at him

"Are you sure? I'm here for you Vivian if you want to talk" I can't help the flow of happiness that course through me when he says that. Just something homey to me having someone there for you even when your a bitch to them. "Ahhh your killing me smalls" I burst out laughing and draco just gives me a confused laugh "what?"

I roll my eyes at him "I swear draco you have no life, you missed out on a lot it's from the sandlot" I say inquiring him to know "sorry don't know what that is"

"Bet one day we have to meet up during summer break and we are going to watch movies" he looks at me oddly "movies?"

"Fuck Draco I knew you were stupid and oblivious to the mortal world but I didn't know you were that dumb to it" he narrows his eyes at me and glares

"I'm not oblivious to anything I just don't care about those stupid mudbloods" I smack him upside the head and scoff and get a response of ow's

I shrug, I'm not for sure to be honest I'm thinking about moving into one of the many homes my mother has. We had five homes over the states but since she died she left me with a pick of one house out of the five and the rest go to donation.

I've chosen our summer home in Pennsylvania we have a big opened window modern house that has a big pool and trees around us with gates far off the land it's basically a mansion it has twenty rooms each with their own bathrooms and it's a private owned land with a bunch of security. (Idea of home at the bottom;)
I've talked to Percys mom about it and she agrees that it's a great idea BUT she doesn't want to intrude especially since she's been going steady with Paul bowfish and they are expecting. But I'm going to keep on insisting.

"I don't know I've been living with Percy and sally mom since my mother's death we have over five houses in the states and I'm thinking I'm about moving back into one of them" he looks at me wide eyed "you have fives homes in America! I only have one I didn't know you were rich"

I laugh at him "actually scratch that I kinda did know" I give a suggestive eye brow move for him to explain "oh yeah, and how's that?" I say resting my chin in my palm "well your Yule ball dress definitely wasn't bought off a rack you could easily tell it was custom made" since when did he start using American slang like rack? and custom made?

"Yeah...well my mother was a well known business woman she actually modeled all of our homes"

"That pretty cool actually only think mums ever modeled was fabric" I laugh at his comment "maybe one day I can see the house you choose then?"

I smile "sure"


I head to the big house into the rev room where the meeting are held since Chiron told me to meet him here to have important matters discussed. I hope it's about Percy and the rest because that is literally the whole reason I came here not to have fun.

I wait about ten minutes until Chiron finally arrives it's been a restless week not knowing what he needs to discuss with me. I hope it's something I want to hear and not some bull shit about hogwarts no offense I love hogwarts it's me third second home but that not why I came here.

"Ahh Vivian Diaz Alice glad you can make it, how is hogwarts" that fucking bastard I knew it!

"Listen Chiron not trying to sound like a total bitch but you and I both know I didn't come here to discuss about hogwarts" he has a glimmer in his eyes and nods "I always knew what you were coming here about I knew you would arrive eventually...I'm guessing this is about Percy?" I nod my head "yes, I haven't heard from him in almost three weeks hat happened and why hasn't he iris messaged me?"

"You see Percy and the others were lit on a quest that involves many outcomes and before I tell you this I want you to know everything will be fine" I look at him terrified and worried. What does he mean everything is going to be fine.

"W-what?" He looks at me before continuing "it seems that Percy and the others have had a small tragedy along their quest though they say but I believe everything has happened for a reason"

"During the quest one of the missions was to save the Athena Parthenos and during this Annabeth had met one of her mothers sworn enemy Arachne while Annabetheas captured Percy was trying to save her and the floor beneath them had somehow broke and led to Tartarus...they fell through they are in Tartarus but they are both alive we had received a written letter from Annabeth about there appearances" as I listen to his words I feel my heart drop. There's no way they will be able to survive Tartarus let alone escape. Why did I agree to stay at hogwarts..oh right I'm on a quest

"I-I are they both still a-alive" I hadn't realized I was crying until I licked the wet tears off my lips "yes they are very indeed still alive though I can't say they are in good health because I have no way of telling but don't doubt them Vivian you've three cane a long way have some faith and trust in them" I nod my head wiping the tears off my face and decide to out of my 'mask'

"I've also seen that your quest is going quite well seem to be doing just fine" he knows about my quest? Shit of course he does he knows about everything "what do you mean? What do you know about my quest because I haven't been given any information on the subject" He puts on a light smile and nods

"Yes we'll I'm afraid this quest can not be shared with you Diaz the prophecy of your quest specifically says to not tell you or it will all lead to downfall" I can't believe it I'm on a quest I'm not allowed to know about! That's bullshit

"Okay Chiron" I get up to leave and head towards the door before being stopped
"I hope you choose what you want for you, not for the need of others" huh?


This is how I imagine her home to look like but obviously bigger

This is how I imagine her home to look like but obviously bigger

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Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now