Chapter 3 leaving for hogwarts

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I help Percy pack his things considering I already packed earlier and it always takes him forever because he just shoves things into his backpack and suitcase.

"Why are you always so unorganized this is why your clothes stay wrinkled" I scrunch my face

"Hey I'm just living the life you can't tame a wave," Percy says innocently

"Don't we both know it" I point out

"Yeah, but why be tame we aren't everyone else Vi we just gotta be ourselves " I look into Percy's bright sea blue-green eyes.

"I know but sometimes I wish we were normal" I huff.

" I know Vi, I know I sometimes picture us and Annabeth living in new Rome city at the Roman camp, and I sometimes almost give up, but I don't because I'm not going to let this life control me," he says calmly

I and Percy always seem to calm people down easily we're like the waves of the ocean on a still day. Calm and relaxing.

We put our things at the end of our bunks and go to the pavilion I and Percy sit at the Poseidon table and Annabeth and the rest join us.

I grab a plate of food and sacrifice half of my food to the gods and eat I wish for a dr. pepper in my cup and drink.

"Okay so what the plan" Jason asks

"Well, we are to keep watch on V while she keeps watching on some boys named potter and Malfoy while we also keep a watch on her and train for war" Annabeth states.

"Okay and what do we do if hydras, harpies, skills, or Demi gorgons show up," Frank says expectantly.

"What we always do, fight" Annabeth states as we should already know

Nico walks past the tables and everyone turns cold and shudders but I jump from the table and hug him.

"Hey Nico" Nico smiles

"Hey Vi how are you," he says his stoned face same as mine we don't show emotion around other people.

"Fine, it's been a while since I have seen you"

"Yes, the father has been making me track down escaped souls" he stays tiredly.

"You coming with us aren't you?" I say frustratingly.

He sighs "yeah as much as I don't want to I am Chiron specifically said we had to go"

Nico is like me in many ways but then again we are cousins. He loses his temper easily and rebels a lot we both have gotten into more trouble Than any Demigod combined when he's mad everyone backs off and gets scared but I find it fascinating.

"Can you believe everyone expects me to be a lookout for two wizards, don't they have magic can't they protect themselves?" I scoff

Percy looks at me and smiles and smiles back.

"Hey Vi come over here we're discussing things," Percy says happily

"Hey Nico how's it going buddy," Percy says cooly but Nico gives him a cold glare and nods his head.

Nico and Percy have a sort of feud because Percy broke a promise which is kind of hard to keep but I get where Nico is coming from considering he lost his sister.

"I'm good thanks," he says

Annabeth turns to me

" V' do you know any witch spells or whatever since your mom was a witch" I nod

"I only know two spells My mother never got the chance to teach me much since I was training here during the summers and at school, during the fall and winter," I say truthfully

"Okay what are the spells," Annabeth asked interestingly

"Crucio and stupefy," I say

"But I can do them because I don't have this stick Thingy I think it's called a wand or something," I say

"Why don't you have one considering your half-witch" Jason asks amusingly

"Because I never went to a witch and wizarding school you can only get them if you go to one" I point out

"It's weird knowing you're a witch because you don't look like one at all" Leo says dumbly

" you do know witches and wizards don't look like these ugly people that fairy tales and stories make them out to be right" Piper butts in.

Leo's face reddens with embarrassment

"Hey it's not my fault I'm not educated in this stuff this isn't my thing I'm a demigod, not a witch," Leo says offensives

I laugh and everyone stares at me in amusement since it's rare I laugh and they laugh with me.

"It's called a Demi-god witch" I point out "and you shouldn't have to be educated to know that," I say

Leo mumbles something but I ignore it

After dinner is done we go straight to our cabins and sleep, though sleep is a stressful thing for a powerful Demi go.

Especially if you are rumored to be also be gifted by the gods when I was born it was rumored that Apollo, Athena, and Aphrodite placed a gift on me

Athena was rumored to gift me with good battling strategies, Apollo gift of singing, and Aphrodite gift of striking beauty, and as amazing as those things are I ignore them why would gods gift me? Didn't they sort of having a rival against other gods' children?

And why give me a gift of singing? I know I can sing good but what is singing going to help with besides soothing me, and striking beauty it's like they are trying to give me a death wish, Athena's is the only helpful gift I accept and believe was gifted

While I lay there thinking my brain switches to the memory of my mom and her fiancé what if they lived instead of dying? why did they leave me here alone?
I can feel hot tears run down my face and push them out of my mind and drift off to sleep

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