Chapter 25

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It's a day before the Yule ball and Chiron has concluded that instead of me going to camp he's going to send a few campers to hogwarts to train with me and after break every other week so I'll be staying at hogwarts for Christmas break after all. I wake up earlier than usual and go shower and brush my teeth and change into a black loose shirt and black sweats and I slip on my vans.

I head down into The Great hall and decide to sit at the Gryffindor table with Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George. I hope Ella isn't upset that I ditched her today but I don't feel like listening to pansy complain to her friends about how sad and boring her life is.

"Hey Vivi" Fred has started to call me the nickname Nico gave me which honestly I don't mind it's kinda comforting

"Hey Freddie and the rest hows your morning going so far" I give a sincere smile and they all smile back at me

"Well not great I don't have any help for tomorrow's Yule ball" Hermione seems really upset "well I can help you get dressed up if you want since I'm also helping Ella" Hermione's face lights with glee "oh thank you your really are the best" I feel my face flush a little at the compliment

"So do you have a date to the ball?" Harry gives me a curious and hopeful look for some reason but I just look past it
"Yeah Malfoy asked me and I agreed to be nice but Ella is tagging along she's going to meet Blaise there at ball"

Ron throws a dramatic act end spits he pumpkin juice back into his cup
"Your what!?" Ron's face has reddened to his roots almost matching his hair
"I cant believe you agreed to go with that git!"

"He's not that bad you know he's only rude to you guys because 1 he hates Harry, 2 your born rival enemies" George nods his head to agree with me

"She has a point maybe Malfoy is a big softy I would love to see that" the twins break into for of laughter and Harry and the rest join in

We spend the whole breakfast chatting and immediately and Harry talk about random things like what I'm doing for break? And if I'll be seeing Percy and the rest

"No Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Jason and the rest are doing an important quest" my face has paled at the thought of how soon it will be until I have to defeat Gaea and my heart is pacing to fast

"Are you okay V?" Harry and the others look at me with worried looks "yeah I'm fine thanks...actually I need to talk to you six somewhere private though I'll let everyone else know when it's time"
There faces go from but they nod all the same and continue taking casually


We meet in an empty classroom during lunch I've decided to tell them about the prophecy, about me how I'm involved with it since they already most part about me like I'm a demigod, I tell them about how I was sent here on a quest and I'm supposed to be here until our last year of hogwarts and how I can choose The wizarding world or I can go to college in the muggle world

"Wow so you are fated to defeat a god that existed before us how are you not terrified I'm literally shaking just from thinking this" they all have Terrified expressions on their faces "so that's why percy and Annabeth and the others left, to begin the quest in defeating Gaea but I'm destined to defeat her" I feel my hands trembling like it's just now sinking in

"The bad part is I don't know if I'll make it out alive but that's why some campers from camp half-blood are coming to help me train over the break"

"So you may or may not be killed in saving the entire world and if you fail we're all dead basically" Fred is the one to speak this time his face is grim and he seems to have gotten paler than usual
"Yeah with the gods there's always something or someone that needs saving I just hope My entire life won't always be like this"

"They have offered me immortality you know? They offered me to become a god" I give them a quiet laugh while I say this "it's quite funny if you think about it considering you-know-who had went to great lengths to become immortal"

They all look at me amused "if only he knew about another world where we existed and Greek gods existed he could have asked for immortality himself they wouldn't have made him into a god but maybe he wouldn't be so ruthless and cruel"

They all the same blank expression on their faces like me. Like their all thinking thinking the same things like maybe if did know Harry's parents might still be alive and maybe he wouldn't be put in danger and live with a cruel family who doesn't love him

"Just know Vivian that if you guys need help in defeating this god or whatever she is I'm most certainly sure hogwarts will be more than tea day to help because I know I will" Harry face is serious and it almost startles me until he smiles at me

"That's a lot to take in, now I see what you guys go through you guys are expected to save the whole world's life and I don't understand how you can bare all that weight"Rons face is one of sorrow and guilt

"He's right how can you be so confident and strong and not break down" Hermione gives me a look that shows pity "everyone's lives are at risk if you don't succeed and if you lose then we're all dead"

"I guess were used to it, we were raised to expect the worst that why we couldn't tell you about us" it's true we were told countless times to watch out for those we trust because they can change side


I finish my last classes at the end of the day and go to The Great hall I'm starving since I missed lunch and barely ate breakfast I head over to the slytherin table and Harry gives me a small smile as I walk by and I smile back

As soon as I get to the table Draco has grabbed my arm and jerked me down to sit with him "what was you doing with Potter and those traitors?" I shrug his hand off of me and glare at him

"I was hanging out with my other friends" I give him and obvious look. He can be such a nuisance "your friends with those filthy blood traitors and that mud-blood" he gives me me a disgusted look
" don't talk about my friends like that and I can be friends with whoever I want"

"And if you don't learn to control yourself you'll be going to the Yule ball alone" Draco looks at me with a glare "you don't own me Malfoy I'm not your pet or your girlfriend" draco looks hurt that I said that but I don't care I don't have time for his hams right now

"Who said anything about you being my girlfriend I wouldn't want to date a slut anyways" I gasp at what he said. How could he think like that who it me when he's the only person I've ever kissed

I go to tell him he can go with pansy instead to the Yule ball But my pride gets the best of me and I say this instead " it's didn't seem that way last night" his eyes go wide and he glares "watch it Diaz"

"Or what Draco" I give him a daring look and he doesn't say anything "exactly that what I thought" I whisper this in his ear and give him a kiss on the cheek and leave to sit with Ella

I see his cheeks has flushed to a soft color of pink and he tries to hide his face

"What was that about?" Ella says as I go up to her "nothing I just like messing around with Draco"

And I sit down and put some roasted potatos and carrots with beef on my plate and begin eating and drinking my pumpkin juice.
When Dinner is over I head to the common room to begin to tutoring Draco again but this time we just sit in silence the whole night and on say a few words about the spells

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now