Chapter 35 tasks

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Me and Draco have been spending more time with each other I've gotten to know him more but I still keep a closed book I give small details about me. I just don't think I'm ready to fully open my heart out for him I mean I'm only fifteen and he's only fourteen and I then sixteen soon and he turns fifteen in just two more months. And I turn sixteen two months after him. I want to take this slow this is kinda weird for me relationships anyway.

I've never been in a relationship I never wanted one. I've never truly loved someone I use the words 'I love you' or 'love you' but I never truly mean them I use them for sense of comfort for people I care about. And what scares me the most is being vulnerable I hate it. I know such a strong word but it's true I hate a lot of thing and people and when I hate something I truly mean it.

Today is the last task not much happened during the second task except for the fact that people were in the water that supposedly was treasure to other people but if I'm being honest I don't think Hermione even felt a love attraction to Viktor Krum. I'm pretty for sure she feels that way about Ron and same goes for him there always stealing glimpse of each other in class it funny really. But during the second task let's just say it was not pretty literally they pale and their skin was wrinkled for being in the water for so long.



I was was with Hermione and cho Chang waiting for Harry to come back up from the water she was shaking from the cold for being in the black lake for so long, she was Viktor Krums task. Fleur Delacour didn't finish the task she basically tapped out she hadnt prepared for this task and wasn't able to hold her breath for long, Cedric Diggory came first with cho Chang though he looked at me and gave a small smile which I just smirked at him and looked back at the lake waiting for Harry to come up tile was running out and he hasn't came back up he had Th Jett seconds left, I couldn't lose a friend a very good one at that I so I did what I could I jumped into the black lake. I saw Harry struggling to breathe and bring Ron and I guess fleur's treasure up I could breath under water so I grabbed Ron and fleur and made sure they could breather by supplying them with a bubble around them and they woke up instantly gasping for air Ron looked at me with thankful eyes and I nodded. Harry was still struggling he was being attacked by mere people. I made the water glow over there at high speed and looked dead at the mere people

"I doubt father will be happy at what your doing especially since they are close friends with me" I stared down the mere people who bowed to me and coward back a little

"I'm sorry my lady we do not mean any harm to you" I glared at them

"You will not eat anyone or harm any person that is to come into this lake I myself will happily take the matters into my own hands I expected more from you but I guess only time will tell" I went to Harry who I put in bubble of air and saw him barely conscious and I quickly flowed my self up and out of the water so Th my clothes still dry because of course I'm the daughter of Poseidon it's just how it is. But I can allow the water to drench me in water but why would I do that.

I summoned a wave to carry me and Harry up to shore quickly and I see people vape at me and I quickly. Put Harry on the ground and checked his pulse he was still breathing but barely. But madam pomfrey was already there taking care of the situation and in a mat the r of minutes Harry started coughing up water and breathing perfectly fine again m. Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny came rushing to him giving him hugs and taking rapidly about how I saved him.

I saw draco run up to me and hug me he was shaking a little and I just hugged him comforting him more than he was comforting me

"How are you still dry, I watched you jump Into the water you should be freezing and wet" I laughed at him "It's the perks of being the daughter of Poseidon water obeys me, not the other way around and so do water creatures"

"You really are brilliant you know that?" I laugh at him and just give him a soft kiss on the lips and go to find Harry

"Are you okay now Harry you almost died I had to save you, And Ron and that other girl almost died too I'm just so glad your okay" I hugged him and then I Wendy and hugged Ron too which I've never done before his face started heating up

---✯--- (recap over)

"Are you ready for the third task Harry" I ask I sit down at The Gryffindor table I sit beside Fred and give him and mall smile and I'm pretty for sure he blushes

"I don't Think anyone is really ready for the tasks it's not something to be excited for" he says solemnly, I give him and comforting pat on the hand

"You'll do great, you've been doing great through out the whole thing you'll do great now" I say

"I don't really care if I win I just want to get through it" I nod my head in understanding "I know what you mean I'm just waiting for my call to go back to camp half-blood for the war and if I even make it out alive"

"Wha!?...but you said you were coming back after the war you said That they were making you come back" Hermione says on the verge of tears

"Yes Hermione if I even make it out alive my life isn't easy and the life span for a demigod isn't long the longest I life a demigod has had was I thing around the age thirty or maybe even twenty"

The look at me with sorrow. I don't think it's good idea for me and to be together anymore but I'm not gonna break up with him yet because believe it or not I care about him maybe even possibly love him but I'm not sure. But either way I can't be with him if I don't know if I'm going to still be alive after the war.

"I honestly don't want to go to herbology That class if a fucking buzz kill" I groan

Harry, Ron, and the twins laugh but Hermione the leading birds she is scolds me. And I just mock her causing the others to laugh and her to slap me on the arm which honestly doesn't even heart that much and just causes me to laugh more.


I walk to the stands and get ready for The third task I have a bad feeling about this task I don't know why but I hope I'm wrong

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now