Chapter 20: parties

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A/n: sorry if I make certain parts of a story into several chapters but I will speed it up more

Halloween is coming up and there's several rumors about party's being held in different houses I think back to the last time I celebrated Halloween but can't seem to remember a single time

When I get to the great hall for breakfast it's is filled will Halloween decorations and candles float up in the ceiling I sit beside Ella And have a small conversation until her face beams at me

"Did you hear there's going to be a party held in the slithering common room?" Ella seems to be really happy about this but I don't understand why it's just a party

I shake my head at her "no I didn't I don't pay attention to what people say much"
Ella give an annoyed look and shakes her head at me "do you ever have fun Vivian?"

"Yeah, when it's not lame parties and when they have alcohol" Ella looks at me and gives me a big grin and nudges me "well there will be fire whiskey, you should come"

"Okay but why? I know there's another reason behind it"I had come to learn Ella's ways, she is very sly and always has a plan behind something

"Okay so I might have over heard you singing in the common room and might have accidentally told the slytherins you would sing at the party" Ella should be glad she's my best friend or I would have tackled her then and there.

"You WHAT! Ella why would you say that I've never sung in front of a crowd not even at camp only occasionally when people accidentally heard me" I smack my forehead in frustration at El she can be a real pain in the ass.

"Because I wanted to brag that I had beautiful hot friend who can sing, I always feel I'm being left out in everything and I wanted to finally be apart of something" I can see Ella shed a few tears And hug her.

"How long have you been keeping this in?" I let go of her and hold her shoulders and give her a comfort squeeze "for awhile now I was diagnosed with depression when I was thirteen and when you came along things finally started going right for me" she gives a dull and sad look to me

"Okay"she looks at me confused "okay what?" She looks at me as if I've grown two heads and I roll my eyes at her "okay I'll sing at the party" she squeals and and hugs me tightly "thank you Vi your literally the best"

"Next time It'll be your funeral I'm singing at instead" her face morphs into horror "your joking right?" I snort and laugh at her.


Ella had helped me pick out what I was gonna wear and when I mean help I mean she wouldn't let me pick a single item and scolded me when I tried to suggest something.

"You are not wearing a shirt and sweats you are going in a dress just like me and don't even Think about arguing with me" we end up spending over two hours getting ready Ella had made me go with her to Diagon alley and we ended up going looking for dresses which took forever since she kept trying to get me into something pink or to girly.

I had to explain to her what kind of colors in dresses I wear we finally came across some dresses that were more my style one of them was a spaghetti strap fitted red dress that hung to my curves and stopped just at the middle of my thigh and the other was a two piece black laced strap dress with a top that cut just a little above my belly button with a black laced skirt with wavy hems at the end we end up buying both and a see through black lace to go over the black strap top.

We end up being ready by 8:00pm and Ella made me wear makeup with red lipstick She kept freaking out how I literally I look like a god. I put on some black wedged shoes and decided to wear the black outfit.

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