Chapter 59: your beautiful!

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I walk hand in hand with Draco to his manor. It's not the brightest looking house it's dark and eery not my go to place if I was homeless. In fact I'd rather stay out in the streets then stay here it's just got a cold feeling but maybe if they redecorates had it repainted it could look a lot more welcoming instead of giving out the aura that literally says death.

Draco gives me a light-hearted smile and tentatively walks to his home and knocking on his door. While we are we will be packing Draco's things our house should be moved magically in a private field. I've transferred all my muggle world money into wizarding money and opened up a Gringotts bank since I'm leaving the muggle systems.

I'm nocked out of my thoughts when the door is opened by Narcissa Malfoy. Narcissa unlike Draco had black hair with blonde ends which must have been dyed, she had brown eyes unlike Draco's who were grey so he must have inherited it from his father. You also see toll of old age showing in the lines of her face. How old did they have Draco in their thirties?

"Hello mother" Draco says smiling at her, she smiles widely engulfing him in a hug beige looking at me. Her eyes widen at me and she holds her mouth with happy tears.

"Ohhh... she's absolutely stunningly beautiful Draco!" She looks at me admiring my features.

"It's so good to see your okay draco, your father is resting right now but he'll be down for dinner" she smiles. She opens up the door to let us come in.

"This is my fiancé mother Vivian Diaz Alice" he smiles proudly. Holding me close to him by the waist. "I hope you enjoy your stay here Vivian, I'm so glad Draco found someone to care and love him better than we did" she says with a sad smile.

"Of course I'll always love Draco, he's helped me come a long way as I also helped him" Draco kisses my temple and leads me to sit down. "Would you like some tea dear?"

"Of course, do you need help?" I ask her. She shakes her head and smiles. "House elves do that for us" I nod and smile. I have never smoked so much in my life and it's not even real smiles I'm just doing it to be polite. She's seems great it's just this encounter is kind of awakened for me I've never have to meet someone parents.

"So have you already set a date for the wedding?" She asks me and Draco.

"I've told you already mum, we haven't even planned much we've only talked about bits and pieces about it" he says annoyed I lightly jab him in the side and I hear him grunt.

"If you'd like Mrs.Malfoy you can help me plan, we plan on having the wedding at our mansion we'll have a huge field and garden with everything. We'll also have a huge pool with a playground in the back for our future kids.

"That sounds lovely, and you can call cissa or Narcissa but please we'll be family no need to call me Mrs. Malfoy" she says playfully. I nod.

"In fact we can start planning next month I want to have our wedding in the summer in July next year it gives us enough time finish redecorating our house and plan" Narcissa looks thrilled and happy that she looks likes gonna burst.

"And your planning to have kids? Right?" She says asking tentatively. I look to Draco who's smirking at me.

"Sure maybe a year or two after the wedding" I say. Draco pulls me closer to him smirking. He's been bugging me in letters about how we should have a baby and how many we should have. Sure I want kids but I'm getting nervous just thinking about it.

"Wonderful" she says clasping her hands together. "Your going to make me beautiful grandchildren!" She squeals. I give a light laugh. And smile at Draco. He seems happy that me and his mother are getting along. I drink my tea and it's a little bitter but good all the same.

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