Chapter 12 stay away from DRACO!

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A/n: sorry if you think this story is taking to long to get to the romantic scenes but good things come in patience also I just wanted to set a warning later in this story there will be smut and I will alert you when it happens

I walk to the Great hall and sit beside Nico Again and everyone is talking and enjoying their time and greeting friends who They haven't seen in awhile I'm still confused as to why Nico and the rest look at each other warily but I just ignore it

"Man I'm hungry It feels like it's been awhile since I've had food" Nico groans

"I know right I'm just hoping no one thinks we're weird when we sacrifice half our meal" I laugh

"If they do then that's them" Nico shrugs

"Yeah your right but still..." I shrug

We get to the table and people from our table look at me and Nico and Then they look at my eyes some even look entranced by them but I blink and it knocks them out of their daze

A girl with a pudgy face and messy hair moves over to where me and Nico are she looks like she doesn't take showers but I'm not gonna call her out on it

"Hey your Vivian right?" She says with a smile that looks to fake

"Yeah I am, do you need something?" I say carelessly

The girl fake laughs "no, but I'm pansy Parkinson and I'm here to congratulate you on getting a spot in Slytherin"

I just nod my head and turn back to Nico But she's doesn't seem to be done speaking

"Are you from here?" She asks

I huff out a breath of annoyance "no I'm from America I live in New York but I transferred to this school"

"How fascinating...if you want I can be your friend and show you around and stuff and you can sit with us during lunch" she points to girls around her

"Thanks, but no thanks I can manage on my own and I have Nico so I think I'll be fine" I say calmly

Her face seems to turn into disgust and embarrassment form being rejected

"Okay but here's one thing STAY AWAY FROM DRACO" she says through her teeth

I look at Nico and then back at her and me and Nico burst into a fit of laughter

"Y-you....obviously....d-don't know her at all" Nico says trying to stop from laughing I had already calmed down

"I don't date and you don't know how many people I've turned down so what makes you think I want to date someone now? Well I'm good, not interested so go pout somewhere else" I say with humor

She gasps and leaves to sit beside the boy with pale blonde hair with almost no color and the grey/blue eyes and porcelain skin I wonder who is? Oh well


"Have you ever wonder why every one dresses so dull, I mean sure I know we don't dress in bright colors but at least we actually have style" I joke

"I don't know honestly, I think it has something to do with the magic they have" Nico shrugs

"You know before we came back for camp I had bought these vans from the mall and I have them with me I was gonna wait to give them to you but I thought maybe you would like them now"I say half-heartedly

"Really?" Nico asks

"Yeah, they didn't cost too much but I thought you might like them but you'll have to wait to get them because they're in my bag"

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