Chapter 22

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It's finally November the 24th the day everyone has been talking about his past month and it's honestly getting on my nerves everyone is chattering about going to watch the first task of the tournament Where Harry and the other contestants are to retrieve a golden egg that is being guarded by a dragon.

The task doesn't start until later today but all classes are canceled because it's a very important thing.

I'm walking to go the Great hall when someone grabs my arm and I see it's Draco "did you finish the essay Snape had given us to do" I nod my head and turn to walk away but he grabs my arm a little more tightly "I talked to professor Snape and he said to tell you, you had to help me on my essay since I'm failing potions"

How is he failing potions he's professor Snapes second best student I'm his first obviously since it had to deal with liquid

"No you don't and no he didn't if that were true he would have told me himself" Draco rolls his eyes and drags me down the hallway to the potions room and it's hard to keep up with his long strides considering my legs aren't as long as his.

"Draco let go of my arm damn it!" But Draco ignores my complaints as he shoves me into the potions room with him.

"Ahh there you are Vivian, I'm guessing Draco has already told you, about how you are to help him with his essay and tutor him" snape raises his eyes to look up at me and I glare at Draco who has a smirk on his face.

"Yes he did I just wanted to make sure you were correct" Professor Snape nods and waves his hand at us to leave.

And I walk out of the room leaving Draco to follow me "where are you going you're supposed to be helping me with my essay" I turn around and scoff in Draco's face
"Not now malfoy I'm going to watch the tournament we can start tomorrow considering you didn't also add in I have to tutor you"

Draco rolls his eyes at me and follows me to the end of the hall "what do you want, why are you still following me?" But Draco smirks down at me "I'm also going to watch the tournament and no we will start the essay tonight and the tutoring" I want to punch him in the face but I refrain myself and mumble a few curses.

"You know complaining about it isn't going to make it disappear so you might as well get over it" he still has that stupid smirk on his face and I roll my eyes at him "whatever"


The tournament was very intensifying watching to see if they'll make it out alive or not but it doesn't bother me much it's much like what we do at camp half-blood but their not fighting against each other with swords.

The first one to retrieve an egg was Cedric Diggory and everyone almost though he had died but came tumbling with the golden egg in his hand. While Harry has summoned his broom to help retrieve his egg. Fleur's dragon goes crazy and smashes its own eggs and things get pretty intense. While I don't really remember how Krum got his.

After the task was down everyone went to congratulate Harry including me, Harry came running over to where me, Ron, Hermione and Ginny are and he hugs me and then Ron and Hermione barely noticing Ginny before giving her a smile she smiles back but I can see the hurt in her eyes and she turns to me with jealousy "you did great Harry"

"Yeah mate I did not see that coming I was for sure you would fail the task considering your basically a noodle" Harry rolls his eyes at Ron

"I know it was pretty frustrating and it was a good thing fleur got the golden egg before she was smashed by the dragon" I keep looking at Ginny and I have to excuse myself and going as I drag her to a more secluded area

"Ginny I know you hate my guts because you think Harry likes me but even if that's so I would never do something so low and do that to you I don't see Harry in that way he's just one of my best friends right next to you" Ginny let's a tear escape her face

"I know, I shouldn't have even blamed you because it's not your fault how he feels but I try so hard to get him to notice me and you don't even have to do anything and he notices you instantly" I run her back soothingly

"If he can't see you for you than he's not worth it, maybe if you tell him how you feel then maybe he might have a change of mind"Ginnys eye light up but then she shakes her no

"I'm sorry but I can't because what if I do Then everything is ruined then he'll never talk to me and I can't risk that"

I nod my head in understanding

"Well I happen to know your the best and hopefully he'll come to see that" I smile and leave


After diner meet I go to the walk to the common room and just relax everyone had headed upstairs to go to bed early from the long day but my peace is broken when Draco steps in "uuhhh this is bullshit I thought you were his second best how can you be failing"

Draco sits beside me sinking the cushion and making me lean closer to him but I try and scoot away but it's not helping so I lay my head back and close my eyes
"Are you gone yet?" I open my eyelids slightly to see he's still there

I groan and sit up "do you have your own pen and parchment paper?" He nods and grabs them from a table

I spend over an hour helping him but he keeps quiet "what's wrong with you, this is the longest I've heard you not say some snarky remark to me "he shrugs

"I just want to get this over with so I can go to bed since you don't wanna be here with me anymore than the rest" I'm taken back by his sudden outburst I didn't think I would upset him So I think carefully for the right words.

"I don't hate you Draco but you can be a prick sometimes but that doesn't mean I don't want to be near you" he looks up at me surprised

"Well your the first then the only people who actually want to hang out with me is slytherins I talk to and the only time girls from other houses talk to me is so they can live their bad boy fantasies" he scoffs

"Pansy talks to you and you guys seem to be...pretty close" Draco shrugs with a small look of disgust "she's just something to do you know I mean not in that way! Eww! gross!...But we mainly just snog and it's not even that great it's more disgusting than anything"

I laugh at his hatred for pansy and he smiles and little at me "well I don't hate you" is all I say

"I'm tired we can work on this tomorrow afternoon and then begin with the tutoring soon" he walks up and leaves without another word or glance and I just lay back and clothes my eyes soon drifting off to sleep.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now