Chapter 9 harry potter

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I'm waiting outside the doors I finally managed to calm myself down, I listened to all my friends get sorted into their houses.

After Jason got sorted I calmed down letting my mind drift to other things. I started thinking about Tyson wondering how he was doing and then my mom, Nico says she's been doing fine in the underworld and that she talks about me all the time to the other dead mortals in the underworld, when he told me that I laughed my mother never missed up the chance to talk about me she once told me I was her biggest accomplishment and that she would never be ashamed of me.

I hope I get sorted with Percy or Nico although Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Frank, and Leo are my close friend's also, I'm still not fully comfortable with them as I am with Nico or Percy I feel safe with them more at ease and this quest and my prophecy was hard to take in at first but I managed and I accepted it 

I hear Nico's name be called and I stand up and walk briskly to the doors and not long after before I reach them Nico is called into a house Slytherin

I still haven't reached the door and I hear my name get called

"Vivian Diaz Alice" why they felt the need to say my full name? I don't know but I push open the doors and immediately heads turn to me I remove the hood that I placed on my head so no one would look at me but when I do everyone gasps as they take in my presence and I hear whispers everyone looking at me admiringly and some of the girls look jealously at me from the guys gaping at me with open mouths

I look away from everyone and walk briskly to the front where a chair stands, I see Percy give me a thumbs up and I smile secretively. Before I get there some of the wizards and witches and ghosts bow down to me and more whispers erupt Which annoys me and I snap at them "stop it now!" They immediately raise switched out my chair for a better one I have to admit I do like some of the attention I get sometimes but not all
"You didn't have to do that you could have kept the same chair"I snap and they shrink back a little "sorry my lady"

"And stop calling me my lady," I say harshly

"Yes my lady," he says it again but I just give up and move the other chair back and sit on it and the hat is placed on my head But it speaks loud and clear for everyone to hear. My face goes into a confused look and I hear Percy laugh and I smirk at him and glare, Nico joins in but the other students watch me warily, and Nico mouths at me

"Calm down" slowly he says and I nod I close my eyes and open them and they seem to calm

"Vivian Diaz" the hat shouts "you are exactly like how the others picture you even more strikingly beautiful almost godly as some people think I will sort through your memories so you can be placed in a house" the house shouts and people start whispering again and they quiet hoping in everything that I get placed into there house

In a rush, my memories come and strike me in the head. I hear myself gasp for air and immediately Percy and the others stand but don't move everyone looking at them confused as to why they are worried.

My memory starts on how I came to camp half-blood and was attacked by harpies at the age of 11 I knew I was different than most humans at the age of nine, how I lost my first best friend at the age of 13 Tristan who dies by the attack of Luke because I wouldn't join Kronos side, my mother dying because of me and some of the other demigods went there to rest and how a bunch of monsters showed up, using my powers to help defeat Kronos by tricking the monsters that I was the one born to defeat Kronos when it was Percy, helping injured campers, looking down at some of those who thought they were better than me even demigods can't help but feel more superior than others, me turning cold and careless rebelling More and shutting people out and pushing people away and finding out about my quests and how I'm fated to defeat Gaea

The hat is speechless "oh dear heavens where am I to put you, you consist of everything, you are a goddess your loyal, brave, wise, and cunning I have never in merlins sake seen a witch that consists of all four"I hear loud gasps "I certainly believe your way too out of the league with the rest certainly you must have your own house"

"No, I will not have my own house I'm not better than Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Nico, or any of the others you will put me in a house just like the rest" I snap

"Oh my lady I must not you are too high for any of these houses certainly you wish to have your own" the hat keeps insisting

"NO!, You dumb hat, I don't want my own house, and stop treating me as if I were a god," I say harshly

"Yes my lady...oh what house shall it be Gryffindor?, Hufflepuff?, Ravenclaw?, or Slytherin? Oh what to choose I don't know yet I'm going to revisit your memories just refresh myself oh how tired I've been made" the hat cries

It takes the hat a quick relook and everyone's becoming restless especially the Slytherins and Gryffindors glaring at each other almost battling over me while each house starts chanting my name to be in their house

Finally, the hat speaks and everyone goes silent

"I have made a choice Vivian Diaz Alice will be placed in...Slytherin!" The Slytherin erupt into applause and jumping up and down I get down from the chair and go to Nico

"That took too damn long" I complain

"Hey it could have been worse for god's sake you were about to get your own house" Nico points out

"Yeah well I'm going to the Gryffindor table to talk to Percy and Annabeth," I say

Nico nods and follows me as I get up everyone stares at me but I keep a blank face and ignore Them I notice some of the Slytherins giving a triumphant face like they have won a battle that no one knows about

I see Percy talking to a boy with rimmed glasses and a weirdly shaped scar on his head at their table

"Hey Percy" I call

"Percy!, sea Brian!" Percy turns his head to me a smiles big

"What sea girl?" He laughs

I pretend to be hurt "what your little sister can't come up to you and have a simple conversation" I fake pout

"Last time you said you wanted to have a simple conversation with someone that didn't go well remember" Percy points out

"Yeah well Clarisse should have kept her mouth shut"

"True, ...well that was a big sortment right?" Percy says to ease some of the tension that lingers

"Yea it took way to damn long, it felt like I waited a century until the hat finally stopped rambling on" I say annoyed by.

"Hey it could have been worse..."I cut him off before he could finish.

"Don't Think about finishing that sentence Perce, Nico already gave me that lecture I don't need another one" I glare at Nico.

"Hey I was just pointing out the obvious" Percy says as Annabeth turns to me and gives Percy a look that indicates a secret discussion.

"Vivian we just met some new friends" Annabeth says

"Vivian This is Harry Potter , Harry this is Vivian"

"Hello" Harry says calmly

"Hey Harry" I say cooly.

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