Chopter 60: lucius malfoy

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I wake up with Draco's arm draped over me with his face in the crook of my neck. I feel a cold breeze flow Over me I look down and see I'm naked. I had almost forgotten last night almost. I pull the cover back on my body after tugging them from Draco who shoved my face and turns over. I huff out in annoyance before deciding to just get showered.

I grab some black ripped skinny jeans and a white t-shit with a cool skull design on it I also grab some clean undergarments and my bag that contains my deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razor, Shaving cream, and lotion. My perfume is in his room in my other bag. I re-shave my legs and wash my hair and body twice them after I'm done I apply some lotion and deodorant. Then I add some leave in conditioner and brush my teeth.

When I walk out of the bathroom dressed I see Draco awake still naked and staring at he bathroom door but now me since I opened it.
"Why didn't you wait for me or wake me up to shower with you?" He pouts. I smile beige shrugging my shoulders and grabbing my perfume and spraying it on.

"You know one thing that didn't change is your clothing style which I love" he smirks. "Black and red look sexy on you, And white makes you look even more beautiful" I chuckle at his cheesiness. I kiss him on the lips not caring for my brush your teeth rule after sex.

"Last night was fun right?" He says wiggling his eyebrows. "Shut up Draco!" I say slapping his arm.

"That's not what you were saying last night" he says smirking before mocking me. "Ohh Draco, ohh my god Draco" I slap his arms red In the face. "It as my name you were screaming out, I must have done a damn good job" he grins.

I roll my eyes and get up to leave but he pull me back. "I'm just kidding, I Iove you" he says beige kissing me. "I love you too" I say getting up to brush my hair out. He watched me finish getting ready.

"Didn't mummy ever tell you it's not polite to stare" I joke recalling the time he asked Harry the same thing except using 'eavesdrop'.

"She's not here to tell me otherwise" she smirks. "Whatever you goof, go get shower and get dressed" I scold him. He groans and flops back down on the bed.

"Fine I guess their won't be a repeat of last nights events ever again" I say pretending to be disappointed.

"Ever?" He also astonished. "Everrr..." I tell him. He huff before getting out of bed letting the covers drop. I look at his chest and my eyes travel down to his lower half. "Like what you see Vivian!" He says smirking

I put on a thinking face. "I'm not sure... it's kind of scrawny and pale" I joke. He scowls before stomping off into the bathroom. I laugh and turn back to the mirror.

I make his bed and pick up our dirty clothing and put them in the hamper to be cleaned. Not long after he walks out and is still naked but with a towel rapped skeins his waist.

"Draco get dressed, your like a toddler running around naked" I say rolling my eyes. He pouts before eking into his closet and changing into a casual shirt and trousers. We walk out of his room and down to the dining room for breakfast. We eat and then head back into his room to start packing his things. We use magic for the most part so it doesn't take long.

I had forgotten the Lucius Malfoy was here also until I hear footsteps at Draco's door. Draco turns to look who it is and so do I. He looks at me. Judging me. I stand up and Lucius walks towards me. "Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father I suppose your my sons future wife?" I nod and shake his hand.

"Vivian Diaz Alice, daughter of Poseidon and Isabella" I say politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you" he nods and looks to Draco approvingly but Draco just scowls at him. He swiftly turns around and leaves.

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