Chapter 17 dreams

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It's been a few weeks since we've gotten here it's now October and I'm passing most of classes and barely passing in Herbology. I've been going to the library to study and Hermione has been helping me in Herbology and charms catching me up on things I've missed.

It's been great being here not having to deal with saving the world and having to keep watch everywhere I go to find monsters lurking near me but I do miss the ocean waters I almost feel homesick from not being able to go near any water except for one I take showers but it's not the same.

"Hey Vivian!" Ella comes running up to me "we're going to go swimming tomorrow do you want to join us?" She has a pleasing look in her eye

"Who's all going to be there?" I want to make sure it's not overwhelming

"Just the Slytherin house" she says abruptly as if she knows I'll turn it down "I'm going to be there and I know how you said you missed going to the beach"

"Okay but what would I wear I didn't exactly bring a bathing suit I wasn't expecting to go swimming while I was here"

"We can go shopping in Diagon alley they have a few shops there that's where I bought mine" I look at her "please barely any of the other girls talk to me and your my closest friend here"

"Fine I'll go" she jumps up and down and squeals "okay let's go since it's a Friday and you have nothing else better to do"

She hauls me up and we get ready to leave


We arrive at Diagon alley

But don't find any store with swim items so I have and idea to use the floo and go to the muggle world to get one of mine at percy's mom's house

"Don't you think we'll get in trouble" she says warily "no I think we'll be fine beside I'm going to my brothers house his mom took me in after mine died I'll just say it was a family emergency"

We go up to the floo network place and I call to go to Sally Jackson's

When we get there sally screams And pants until she realizes it's me "oh my girl you scared me" she smiles "what are you doing here I thought you was at that wizarding school?"

"Oh I am it's just we're going swimming and they don't have any swim stores so I needed to get my bathing suit" I laugh

"See this is why I told you and Percy to pack things you think you don't need but you silly kids never listen" she chimes

"Why don't you guys have some of my blue cookies and chocolate milk" sally says kindly Ella looks at her like she's crazy

I forgot to mention Ella isn't really fond of the mortal world she only come here when she's forced to "Sally's deceased husband who was according to percy smelly and basically scum had once said there wasn't such a thing as blue food so she proved him wrong and made every sweets blue even Coca Cola"

"And yes mom that would be great" I smile two years ago when sally took me in I had stayed here for a year then and she was so much like a mom and I accidentally called her mom and she stared crying with tears of joy and from then on sally has been my second mom

We eat the cookies and drink the milk and have a small conversation that consist of how wizarding school is and how I've been and if I made any new friends and how Percy is

I go up to my room and rummage through my drawer until I find my bathing suits while I'm there I grab more perfume and deodorant Ella looks through my clothes and gawks at some of the prices on my clothes where I left the tags from where I recently bought them and haven't got the chance to wear them so I grab them and stuff them in a bag and we head out and use the floo back to Diagon alley and then go back to hogwarts

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