Summer part 2

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I woke up to draco basically on top of me. Literally I could hardly move an arm he seems to be in a deep sleep or so I thought. I got to try and move from under him but the git wraps his arms around me preventing me from leaving. Making me believe he's actually awake.

"Draco you big buffoon I know your awake get up your suffocating me." I say trying to shove him off but I hear him lightly chuckle.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy is you do not love right now I swear to the gods I will personally sink you to bottom of the ocean and leave you there" I say threateningly hoping he will move off

"Well someone is in a killer mood" he laughs "haha you get it 'killer'" I stare coldly at him "you know because you threatened to kill me" he says without a smile

"I get it you asswipe now get off me or your not getting anything for breakfast" I say shoving him


"I'll let you go when you've given me a wake up kiss" he says looking into my eyes and smirking

"Fine okay" I lean up to give him a kiss and which last longer than needed so I pull out of the kiss watching him pout.

"It's okay baby, maybe later" I say winking before finally shoving him off

I get up and grab some clothes to shower and head into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and then get in the shower taking longer Than I intended. When I step out I dry my body and apply some hygiene body care (deodorant/perfume/lotion) and dress into some black ripped shorts with a black thrasher shirt and some vans.

I walk in The kitchen to begin making breakfast. Starting with eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, and then fruit it takes a little longer since I know I need to make a lot of food if ribs here. That boy can eat more than elephant and that's saying a lot.

"Get your asses out of bed I made breakfast" I yell

I hear thumping from the movement on the stairs "we're coming!" Ron yells

I lay out the food on the table

"Good morning vi"

"Good morning"

"Great morning"

"Good morning love" they all say while walking into the dining room "thanks babe and weasleys" I smirk

"I didn't know how you guys liked your pancakes so I made blueberry pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes, and regular pancakes" I say laying everything down including the eggs, bacon, bowl of fruit, and the toast.

"Why'd you make so much" Ginny ask looking at everything with wide eyes and I laugh "because I know your bothers or should I say brother" I say looking at Ron who giggles

"Well I for one am thankful because I'm starving" Draco says filling his plate all with everyone else

Everyone eats and has small talk well except Draco who only speaks to me because he I quote 'can't stand the weasleys"

"So what do you guys want to do now" I say pushing away the left overs of my food

"There so much to do here that I don't know what to do first" Ginny says

"How about we just go swimming in the pool yeah?" I say looking out the glass sliding door "that's a great idea" Ginny says smiling which instantly turns into a frown

"But we don't have any swimming suit or trunks" Fred says in a obvious tone
"Yeah well have to owl mum to bring us clothes for our stay" George says

"Well Ginny you can borrow one of mine and Ron, Fred, George can borrow one of Percy's" I look over at draco "and you can go get a post from home using the floo powder" he nods and gives me a kiss in the cheek before leaving


We ended up swimming almost the whole day and we ordered some Chinese food a bunch of it actually so they could try everything and Draco sent an owl explains that he couldn't come back over because his father was in a very important meeting back home. During the summer after I spent almost two weeks introducing video games, phones, and other muggle things like soccer I can't believe they don't know what soccer is! They left coming over every once in awhile.

I spent the rest of my summer reading my fifth year studies and listening to music and watching movies on Netflix and Hulu.
Or working out some which I don't really need but it can't hurt right.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now