Chaptwr 63: the wedding

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(Wedding venue at the top)

Months had passed by and I was stressing out the wedding would be tomorrow I'm not twenty and Draco is nineteen and honestly lately I've been feeling insecure and I too old for him? Or pretty enough? Are we moving to fast?

Gods this is so aggravating and stressful I've never been so worried in my life I feel like I'm about to have a mental break down with everything going with the planning, invites, reception, all of it. And not to mention the wedding venue had just been done finished building two weeks ago when we should have started organizing and decorating everything.

I had cried a lot when It wouldn't be finished when it was supposed to which was supposed to be a month ago! Draco had tried to comfort me but I wasn't having it. Plus I had to get my dress resized because it was a bit big and I just got it in the other day and haven't had time to see if it fits. I had thought about canceling the damn wedding but Narcissa and mrs. Weasley scolded me like a mother would their child who was misbehaving.

I'm just hoping it goes well tomorrow and everything is set right or I will literally flood the place.

"Love you need to relax" Draco says from behind me I whip my head to him and glare.

"Relax, relax?" I say in a dangerously calm voice. "Yeah let's relax and just cuddle the night away because ethos months hasn't been shit enough" he shrinks back a little before scoffing at me.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" He growls. I roll my eyes.

"The fact that our fucking wedding is ruined, preparations and decorations were supposed to be set up two weeks ago, my dress was two sizes to big so yeah my panties are in a ducking twist!" I scream. I feel heat rushing to my cheeks and my eyes glow furiously my body is shaking. I run outside before things explode with water with Draco not far behind me.

I kick the rocks and grass below my feet trying to calm my nerves. I need to go near water the ocean. It always calms me. Draco grabs my arm as soon as I apparate and we land at the beach in New York.

Draco nearly falls trying to catch his balance from the sudden movement we made. While he occupied I jump Into the oceans waters. I let myself sink in it's calmness and warmth. A shark comes by me and nudges my hand I let it before it swims away. I push myself deeper into the ocean until I hit the sand.

I walk around in the sand trying to keep my breath even in the waters. Some of the creatures in the water pass by me I see Tyson's giant sea horse swim to me. And no not like the tiny see horses that have cured legs this is a real sea horse with a tail and horses body. I pet it not having noticed my body already at calm.

I must have been in there for over an hour because draco is gone and draco isn't a patient person. I step out of the waters dry and apparate home to see draco reading on the couch as soon as he sees me he rushes to me.

"What the hell Vivian!" He shouts angered. I don't say anything. "What the hell was that just jumping into the ocean and not even explaining yourself" I roll my eyes at him. Me and Draco don't argue a lot but when we do it's never pretty.

"I don't have to explain myself to you, your not my fucking mother" I say Jabbing my finger in his chest.

"Your damn right I'm not your mother I'm basically your husband and you can't just walk out of it either we're in this together weather you like it or not! You can't just apparate to the ocean when ever you please just because something doesn't go your way!" He yells at me red in the face.

"What happens if we have a child huh!?, you can't just walk out because they aren't doing as you say or it isn't going how you want! Because it doesn't work like that" I've never seen Draco so angered with me and it's kind of frightening.

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