Chapter 50: he's a death eater

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It's been three days since the incident that happened on the train and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Harry is convinced that Draco is death eater which he isn't wrong but he can't know that. Dumbledore has spoken with me of him being aware of Draco being a death eater.

"Mis.Vivian I assume you know about Draco's condition?" He asks me warily.

"Yes professor, I'm fully aware and i know this information should not be passed down to Harry" I say. Dumbledore just looks at me nods deep in thought.

"You stand correct ms.Vivian, see Mr.potter had a way of finding trouble without him trying and I feel this is something he needs to go through on his own" he pauses before grabbing a lemon drop and popping it into his mouth.

"For there are great things to come for him challenges and tough breaks to come to him and Mr. Weasley along with our very bright Ms. granger" I nod

"Yes I know" I say

"But one thing I ask of you Ms.Vivian is to comfort and support young malfoy for he will be going through tough challenges him self too" I think about Draco and how he's already jumpy and pale. I don't think he's been eating and sleeping enough.

"Professor Dumbledore, before I go.... this war that is to come I don't know if this should be a fight I partake in?" I say in more of a question I'm having a lot of thoughts if this is something I'm needed in.

"All I can say Ms. Vivian is that when the time comes you will know" he says eyeing me like he's judging me. "You know Your mother had once come into my office and asked the very same question you ask" he says in thought

"She was a wise student and young lady though she was very determined in her look a lot like her and both have the same ambition of determination" he says. I think back to my mother. She never talked about her years at Hogwarts.

"Thanks you sir" I look at the time on my watch and see I'm supposed to meet Draco "I'm sorry professor but I've got to go I will keep in thought with what you said" I say and hurriedly left.

Ass I briskly walk through the halls at Hogwarts I bump into someone. Draco's.

"Hello love, I'm glad I found you thought you went ditched me" he says half smiling.

"Don't worry drac, you can't get rid of me that easily" I lightly laugh.

"You know I was wondering if you would like to hogsmeade with me when the trip comes along" he says. I smile brightly. Me and Draco don't go on dates often mainly because we were to occupied. He was always with his goons and pansy and the only time we hung was when they weren't together. Plus all of the drama that's been happening these two years I'd be surprised if anyone was still dating.

"I'd love to Draco" he chuckles and leans in to give me a peck on the lips. "Good because I would have dragged you there if you said no anyway" he smirks. I shove him playfully before pulling him into another kiss.

"I love you" I say. He breaks into a wide smile that reaches those beautiful cold icy grey eyes.
"I love too...more than you could know" he kisses my hand before dragging me into my common room.

"Would it be alright if I stayed here with you?" He asks while looking at me. "Sure"

"Good because I don't think I could stand another year of listening to crabbe and goyle's snoring" he says. I laugh at him pull myself on his lap before burying my face into his neck and cuddling him.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now