Chapter 55: leave me alone

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I feel something heavy laying on my arms but I can feel the heat radiating off the thing. My body feels terrible and my legs are a little numb. I try to move my hand but it won't budge much I feel the thing lift off me and hold my hand I try moving it again and realize I can move it like my body is getting back sensation. I wiggle my toes and slowly my body begins to move. I flutter my eyes and they finally open. I flutter my eyes open and look around.

I see it's very bright where I'm at and I can hear bustling and feel someone's stare on me I turn my head and my eyes connect with the ones who've caused me the most pain. Those Steely icy eyes that always got me. I can feel my body shake not realizing that I'm sobbing. I go to speak but my throat is croaky. Why didn't they just let me die? I feel the heart ache race through my chest at the sight of him. I guess being asleep doesn't keep the pain away.

"G-get out!" I scream once I'm able to speak. He looks at me sadly and shakes his head no. I hear someone rush in the room and I see the trio...and Percy?

"Oh gods" hermione says sobbing. She runs to me and embraces me in a hug I don't hug her back. "Why did you do it?" I question them. They all have red teeth eyes.

"W-what do you mean v-vi" she asks me. I feel tears flood my vision. "Why didn't you let die!?, I'd have been so much happier with my mom I found finally escape the pain I've been through but you just had to save me" I snarl with tears.

Percy looks at me angrily. "Vivian you don't know what your talking about, are you always so selfish?" He says angers by my outburst.

"Me! Selfish, I'm selfish for wanting to be happy, what about you did you ever even consider if I was happy or not" I yell at them.
"Where was the credit that was supposed to be given to me for saving the damn world? Huh?"

"Where was you when I was left all alone with people I didn't even know? That's right you were gone, you didn't even come to see If was okay after the war but now you care!?" I hadn't realized I had gotten out of bed.

"So yes I think I know what I'm talking about, and frankly because of you my mother is dead, if you wouldn't have even involved me in your stupid prophecy should would have been here!" I sob out. Hermione comes up to me and embraces me. I let her. I don't know why I'm lashing on him I guess letting all this anger and hurt build up finally as too much after I seen Draco kiss Astoria.

I sob into hermiones shoulder and the tigers soon embrace me as well including Percy. But Draco stays standing at the door.

"Vivian you've got to let me explain" he says pleadingly. "Leave me alone" I say blankly wiling away my tears.

"Vi you need to let him explain you haven't heard his story" Percy says. I know what I saw. But was it what I saw?

"I want to be alone ....he can speak to me later I want to go back and actually rest" I say emotionless. "Vi please don't shut us out. Me out again." Percy says pleadingly.

"I'm not" I state. "Just please give me time to think" I feel my hands shaking.

"At least please where the ring vi" I hear Draco plead as he walk slowly to me holding out the ring he proposed with. I hold out my hand that's still shaking. He gives a deep sigh of relief.

"You better have answers Draco, but even after  that I think we'll need a break for a bit" is at solemnly looking away from him. "Alright, I just want you to know I love you" he says. "And I won't finish the task I've already told Dumbledore I'm a death eater" my eyes widen and I look at him. "I did it for you, for us"

Maybe he does love me. But he hurt me he neglected me. He pushed me away and made me believe I wasn't good enough. Maybe we aren't meant to be but I hope that's not true because I don't think I'll ever stop loving him.

"I love you too draco, but we need to figure ourselves out" I say. "I need time to heal Draco, I need to learn to be happy again and you helped but I realize there's a lot more damage than that" Percy squeezes me in reassurance.

"But I hope you'll wait for when I'm ready, because I know I will be, so please wait for me be ye your all I want" I say he walks to me and I pull him in and cry. Be kissed my lips feverishly and lovingly.

"I'll wait for you, but I want you to know I didn't kiss her she kissed me, I had a fake relationship to please my father we never kissed or anything until that night when she kissed me, I pushed her off just as you see us." He says shaking.

"I love you, I'll be waiting for you when your ready" he says kissing me. I nod and get up to leave before kissing his cheek.


I get into my common room and shower before gathering my things. I'm leaving hogwarts and I'll do private classes outside of the school. I'm moving into my home in America. I'll eventually get it magically moved here in England. Where I'll eventually get a life with Draco but I need time to breathe and become happy. And this war won't be any help I did my share of saving the world. It's my turn to take a break from it all.

I'm crying Almost finished with this story. Please check out my new story which is a Dracoxreader called 'my love obsession'

Thanks love all the support this story is getting.

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