Chapter 54: I'm sorry..

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No one had heard from Vivian in two weeks and people we're getting worried the head strong girl who didn't back down form anything. They wound see her of course but she wouldn't talk to anyone her eyes were ways red and her face seems to be tear stained. She looked completely broken and shattered. She missed classes and got her assignments handed to her instead. But know one knew that last night she gave finally gave up the pain and heartache, the sorrow.

"Where is she!?" Everyone turned to look at who burst into the great hall including Draco malfoy. Percy matched up to the school staff members and as soon as he walked in Vivian's other close friends form her camp walked in too. They hall had tears on their face annabeth was hysterical.

"I'm sorry Percy Jackson but I don't know why you mean" Dumbledore said confused at their sudden appearance and outburst.

"She she the us these last night!, if this is some joke I will it hesitate to flood their entire school this is a sick joke" everyone looked confused at the boy.

"I'm sorry and.jackson but I really don't now what you taking about" Dumbledore says.

"Read the damn letter!" Percy snarls. Tears had begun to stream down his face in small splaters. He watched as Dumbledore's face went from confused to horrified.

"Find Vivian Diaz Alice! Now!" Dumbledore ordered his staff behind him. The ire was quickly passed around and all the staffs faces contorted into horror and sorrow the didn't know the girl was suffering so much she had put on a good mask.

Draco who had become confused watched this exchange and began to worry. He loved the girl more than anything. The staff all run out of the room it took twenty minutes until the staff retuned all except Severus snape who came in soon after holding a body.

"No!" Percy screamed. "No!, No!, No!" He new to the girl and took her in his arms carefully laying her on the ground. Everyone was confused until Percy burst into sobs followed by the other demigod children including Nico who was hurt just as much as Percy.

"She's d-dead" be sobbed. It was silent. The trios heads were spinning until realization hit them like a ball and they ran to the girl. She was laying lifeless on the floor with her brother laying over her.

Draco malfoy who hadn't believed a single thing thought it was a prank on him for what happened. He made his way to her and they moved out of the way except Percy who stayed there.

"Alright Vivian, enough with the prank it's not funny" he said Bending down to her. He watched her and analyzed her. Why wasn't anyone laughing? Why want she waking up?. Until it dawned on him that it wasn't a prank it was the truth. "No!...she can't be" he stutters out. She wasn't breathing but if you put your ear close to her chest you could hear her heart beating slightly. But no one thought to check.

"Nooo!" Deceit finally burst into tears. He started slamming his hands on the ground. "Please love wake up, you can't be dead" he grabbed her face hiding it gently.

"Please wake up, I didn't want to kiss her I don't love her. I only did it to make father happy I didn't want your life ruined because of my problems" he sobbed into her neck. Percy had looked up with tears still brimming his eyes. Be watched Draco he wanted to hate him because he felt this was somehow his fault but he couldn't blame her death on him.

"I'm sorry...I love you please don't be dead" Draco not knowing what else to do started to CPR on her. He didn't stop didn't even check to see if your breathing. He lauded his head back down on your chest and cried. Until he got quiet and heard little thumping sounds not knowing where it was coming from he quieted his sobs. He hear it again. And again. Her hearts beating.

"Her heart still beating!"He screamed . Percy look at him with these before shoving him away and see for himself. He listened carefully and sure enough he could hear the very faint heart beats.

"Help! Help her!" He yells the professors ran to her. "She needs to be taken to the hospital wing now!" Yelled professor snape. Even though he didn't know the girl enough he thought of her as a daughter. She reminded him somewhat of lily.

All the students were left crying and shocked they had no clue how much you were really going through. Hermione on the other hand was shrilling in tears along with Ginny.

Draco had followed the others to the hospital wing. There was no way he was leaving you there alone. He as staying with you and he was going to make this right by marrying you and not fake a relationship with Astoria. He had lied when he told her he missed her too. It was to get her to leave and then she kissed him.

"You'll need to leave malfoy" Professor snake says but he shakes his head.

"No I will not leave her this is my fault" his voice had cracked with new tears forming.
They decided no to argue with him.

"It seems as though she made this poison herself to be powerful enough to kill her but her godly form is acting quicker and is what's slowing down her death" he says. Legged or snake pulls out a key and looks through and box he unlocked until he pull out a potion.

"I made this potion from the tears of the fawkes it should rid the poisons and save her but she will be in need of care and rest for the next two weeks" he says staring sorrowful at the girl.

"Thank you snape I'll be sure to have lord Poseidon gift you for your great gratitude" Percy says with relief.

Your father had received news about this and he was very upset not because you almost took your life that was a sin against their belief but because you were his daughter, his favorite one in fact and he couldn't bare to watch you die. So when he saw that you was saved he indeed kept to Percy's demand and gifted the professor a life saving ring that I'd he were to ever die he would receive the chance to revive the death. He already had it sent in Professor snapes office.

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