Chapter 58: draco comes home

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It's been a year and Draco returns home from the war. I've missed him though it's technically only been two months since the war it's been a year since I left hogwarts. I'm picking up Draco from platform 9 3/4. He has been sending me letters everyday since the war ended with Harry killing Voldemort. He's been excited and has started talking about planning for our wedding already.

Which I told him we'll start planning after he's rested for a bit and we get settled in more I missed him and I've missed his touch. Who knew you'd get needy over a year. Draco had finished school and Will be having to attend a hearing for his innocence even though the whole thing was planned. They still think he was really helping the bald head guy. They're absolutely stupid if that what they believe Draco's done nothing and it's pathetic that they would think Other wise.

I haven't spoken to Astoria and I won't speak to her again. I've lost all my respect towards her, to think she knew about me and Draco still being together but still kisses him now that's a slutty move. You don't intervene in someone's life. Just like how in the muggle world if you have a crush on someone's boyfriend and your texting them while their in a relationship then they need to block you.

But I've decided to stay civilized towards her even though I don't like her at all. Hermione and the Weasley's will be coming too. Apparently Fred almost died but someone pushed him out of the way before the spell hit him but that also means whoever saved him didn't come out alive.

Hermione and Ron had also finally gotten together. Honestly it's not that surprising since all they do is bicker back and forth like a married couple and annoying one at that too. I hope Draco's made some amends with the three because they'll be over a lot.

I look at the clock and see I should start heading out I own a car a Nissan, Draco has never ridden in a car before so it will kind of be funny to see how he reacts. He better not vomit in my car though.

I'll have to apparate to get my car though because it's in England and I'll be staying with Draco in his manor since my house will be moved to England by magic and that means they'll have to shrink my house.

When I arrive in England I drive to London to get to the platforms. I'm not a big fan of muggles if I'm being honest with you their kind of boring and needy. Since I come from a god and a pureblood witch I'm considered a pureblood because I have full magic running through my blood their isn't a drop of muggle blood running in my veins.

One I park the car I step out and make my way to platforms 9 3/4 and enter the barrier to the hogwarts train. I look over for Draco but I can't see him yet but I do see hermione, Harry, and Ron along with Ginny they look through the crowd until they spot me. Hermione comes running to me smiling and tackles me into a hug almost making us fall.

"Oh my god, you look so much different" she says eyeing me down. "It's like you've grown more, your hairs even darker like your becoming young again but with a woman's body" she says

"Thanks mione you look greater than ever too" I smile. "Wow I've never seen you genuinely smile, I hope this long break helped a lot" she says sassily with her hand on her hips.

"Yes 'mother', I've taken well good care of myself" I joke with her which she playfully rolls her eyes at.

"It's good to see you Vivian" Harry says hugging me. "Yeah it is, hope you didn't gain weight while being away" Ron's says. Hermione scowls at him before smacking him in the head.

"Honestly Ronald does it look like she's gained weight!, and here I hoped you gained a bit more Brains after the war" she scoffs folding her arms.

"Yeah but you love me either way" I see hermione grow a sly smirk. "Yeah I guess if that's how you want to put it" she turns away grinning leaving Harry and Ginny giggling.

"She's joking right!?" Rob says looking after hermione. "I should probably go talk to her" he groans running off to catch up to hermione.

"Where's Draco?" I ask they smile and shrug. "Whatever, wouldn't surprise me if the blonde fell asleep on the train" I joke. Ginny is laughing madly.

"What?" I say. "You know for awhile there Harry I thought you and Draco were having a secret love affair, oh pottah, how much I've missed you" I mock Draco's voice and Ginny is now shrieking in laughter. She points behind me. "What?" I ask confused. Harry starts laughing and motions behind me.

I turn around and see Draco who's red in the face and glaring at me. "Ohhh heyyy, Draco" I say acting like nothing was said.

"Don't get Draco me, I heard you I was behind you the whole time" he scoffs. I can't help but burst into laughter at his face.

"Well you certainly didn't deny your love affair so when did it start?" I says looking between them. Ginny is steak laughing while pointing at Harry who's red in the face also.

"Shut up!" Draco says grabbing me and covering my mouth. I lick his hand which he pulls away and grimaces. "Did you just lick my hand?" He ask. I nod.

He shakes his head before smiling and pulls me into an embrace. "I've missed you so much, it feels like it's been centuries since I saw you" I smile still holding him.

"Yeah but I'm here now" I say looking up at him. He smiles and I reach up to kiss him. Draco's a lot taller than me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and kiss him longingly.

"Umm... I think we're just gonna leave now, we'll catch up later" Harry says awkwardly beige him and Ginny leave.

"You ready time meet my mum and dad?" He says scratching his head. I nod.

"Yeah I think I'll like your mom, and maybe your dad if he isn't as big of a dick as he sounds" I tell him.

We walk out of the platform and to my car. "Where we going?" He says confused.

"To my car" I reply. I intertwine our hands and make our way through. He seems like the gesture I made because he's smiling brightly at our hands.

"And this car, it's a muggle invention right?" I nod at him and lead us there.

"We won't be taking it to my parents house will we?" He asks concerned.

"Draco your parents can't really disobey me or ridicule me because I'm a god I finished my transformation a year ago" I tell him. He looks at me astonished.

"But I'm choosing to stay in my human form, I want to live a normal life, but that also mean I stop aging at the age of twenty six" I tell him.

"Oh right because we were talking about making me immortal soon" he says smiling before kissing my hand. "Think of that I get to spend an eternity with my future wife"

"Yeah, come on lover boy" I get into the car and he gets in on the other side. "It's basically like riding in a train just your driving and you can listen to your music on the radio or Bluetooth" I connect my phone and play some music while driving to my garage here in London.

"So I think... you owe me a gift since you've been far away and I haven't seen you in over a year" he says smirking. I know what he's implying. "We're waiting until marriage Draco"

"But sure I'll do something else for you, just not now I'm driving" I scold as his hands move up my leg. He sighs and just holds my thing letting it rest there.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you also probably a whole lot more though" I lay my free hand on top of his and focus on the road. "My mum is probably going another you hugs and wedding planning" he says.

"That's alright but I know I want to have our wedding at our home since I have a lovely garden and it's bigger than your house" I tease.

"I like that, it will be our first memory made there" he says I nod and pull into the gorge and get out. I grab his hand and we apparate to his house.

This is going to be... something.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now