Chapter 62: wedding dresses

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It has been a six months since I last had Narcissa over and we've been sending owls when to fully start playing my wedding will be in three months and we have to start figure out who we're inviting to the ceremony. Plus not only to mention wedding dresses I don't want a ball gown dress far from it actually. I want a nice slowing dress that shows my curves and body perfectly. So we are going to be wedding dress shopping next week.

I've invited hermione, ginny, Ella, piper, Percy, hazel, Jason, and annabeth and Narcissa of course. Annabeth thought it was stupid to marry so young both us barely being in our twenties Draco who's nineteen and I who's turning twenty. Actually all my friends from camp thought it was crazy but they don't understand the wizard world and the magic of love here, it's very strong in our DNA in fact sometimes their are young wizards and witches who marry when their just in their third year.

Draco and I have planned a lot out for our wedding. Along with tables, designs, food, cake, a band to play, flowers, wines and a whole bunch of other things not to mention we are now starting to build the venue for the wedding it should be done a month before the wedding so then we'll have time to finish decorating. We've also have to find somewhere to have our honeymoon. We had hired house elves much to hermione's disappointment.

"This wedding is kinda stressful huh?" Draco says crawling into bed.

"You don't even know the half of it, we still have to go try wedding cakes, wedding dresses, how we want the decorations placed, the color of flowers" I take a deep breath from lack of oxygen from talking.

"And you still haven't even picked out your best-man, I'm going to ask Ella to be my maid of honor and the other girls will be bridesmaid's"

"Also I'm inviting my half-brother Tyson, he's a cyclops" I say to Draco his eyes practically bulge out of his head.

"A what!?" He says red faced. "A cyclops dummy, clog out your ears" I say rolling my eyes.

"He's not huge like most cyclops, Tyson is literally a big toddler" I say smiling.

"If that's what you want" he says grabbing my hands. And giving me a kiss on my neck.

"No Draco, not tonight my throat is still sore from you basically ramming into my mouth" I watch as he pouts and groans annoyed.

"No I didn't, just tonight please" he begs with puppy dogs eyes.

"No!, go to bed" I say turning over and cutting out the light.

I hear Draco huff and I hear him murmur under his breath but I didn't catch what he said so I shrug it off.


The week has passed by like a blur me and Draco has went on a date in Diagonalley we had went to a cafe and walked around and shopped. We then went to a real dinner out in the muggle world we had this amazing steak with potatoes and vegetables but it's was better than the normal way you'd make it at home.

But today if the day I go wedding dress shopping with Narcissa and the others. They will be arriving around three and then we'll apparate to Diagonalley. The others have to use flop powder brother don't use wizard magic.

I get showered and fix my hair up into a ponytail and get dressed in white jeans and a loose black shirt. I ask my elves to clean the house and then they have the day off. I pay them two galleons each every week for their services just to make hermione happy. I've only got two elves anyway.

When I walk down the stairs I see the house elves let them in already. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah let's go" we explain to Percy and the others how to use the floo and they go through first while the rest of us apparate. Harry is also joining us along with Ron, I hadn't invited them to tag along because they were so supposed to work a shift tonight but they was definitely invited to the wedding. All of the weasleys were.

When we arrive we look around for a bit before heading to look at the dresses we go into this high expensive dress designer shop. We get greeted by the store manager who's the designer also and get ushered to a room.

They bring out well over fifty wedding dresses. I try the first one and it's a bit puffy and frilly and i don't like it. We try several dresses and we get t one that has a straight mermaid bodice but I'm not liking that either. I want something that shows my curves and flows a little bit nothing to princess like.

We go through twenty eight more dresses and is still having. No luck their even starting to argue about which dresses I should get and which one looks better. Including Narcissa.

"You know what I don't think any of these dresses will do" the designer finally says.

"I can have you a dress designed and it sound be finished within two months" she says looking a little worn. "But I'll of course need to take etiquette measurements"

"Sounds good" I stand on a stool and do as she says as she takes the measurements of my body. She has a note book like Rita skeeters that hits down the information she calls to it.

"Alright. And we'll have heels delivered with the dress too, I'm guessing your a size seven and a half?" She says. Me being dirt minded try to stifle a smile. And nod grimly.

We go out to a small restaurant near by and eat their everyone orders ravioli, or chicken Parmesan. We eat happily and talk wedding plans. Narcissa asks about allergies and any food requests which Percy asks for blue cake when he gets his. Narcissa makes a note of it
And fingers her meal.

We all separate except for the Percy, annabeth, piper, Jason, and hazel; they will be staying at my house tonight.

I grab their hands and we apparate. They all crash to the floor when we get their and I see Draco eating a sandwich. Draco has decided to let his hair fall freely it had began to wave.

"Hello love, how was dress shopping?" I walk to him giving him a long kiss. "It was tiring, stressful, and chaotic they were all arguing back it my wedding dress but I couldn't find o e I liked so the designer there is going to design one for me" I say. I lay my head on his shoulder and yawn.

"I'm tired" I say.

"Come to bed and snuggle with me" I tell him pulling his arm. He hugs me from behind and we walk like that to our room.

I get undressed and into my underwear. It's much better sleep like that. Draco does the same and wraps his arms around me as well lay there cuddled up together.

"I can't wait to officially call you Vivian Diaz Malfoy, or in other cars Mrs. Malfoy" I feel him smirk. "And who said I wasn't keeping my maiden name" I say faking offense.

"But I know you will, so why argue about it" I sigh and scoot further into him.

"We still need to Plan our honeymoon, we're having the ceremony outside and the part in the venue" I say. He nods and kisses my neck before snuggling into it.

Draco's POV:

Vivian doesn't know but I bought a private area in Bali for our honeymoon and maybe I the future we can go there for vacation the place is big and modern. There's a beautiful view and beach there too I just hope she'll like it. I want to make it special because that's the day she will give her love to me and her innocence and I plan to make it memorable.

I have it all planned out mother is helping me with set it up and she seven going to pack Vivian's bags for her. I saw a muggle movie on her tv called twilight breaking dawn. I got the idea of our honeymoon front that. It will be amazing.

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