Chapter 34 whispers

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Draco's POV :

I wake up to Vivian still asleep she look peaceful and less angry and cold when she asleep; not that she looks bad when she's angry or cold but she seems so have a more happy and calmer aura around her when she's asleep. I lay my head back down on her and I fill her shift under me and go still again. I'm so glad she's mine I had finally won something and got something Potter doesn't have, that stupid git always gets what he wants but not this time, this time I win.

I decide it's time to get up and get dressed I don't know if I should wake her up so I decide to wake her up on my way back down from not dorm. I walk up to my dorm and grab my robes and take a shower and brush my teeth then fix my hair.

I walk down to see Vivian gone. Must have woken up while I was in the shower I could always go up to her dorm or I could wait for her. I'm dying to kiss those soft slight red lips of hers and stare into those beautiful golden sea blue specked eyes of hers. She really does something to me.

"Hey" I hear a soft melodic voice say a voice so silky and soft that your body could melt. I turn to look at Vivian and I feel a smile appear on my face which no doubt makes me look stupid

"Hello love, did you sleep well?" I ask her and walk up to meet her "yeah I did actually, how about you?" She says with a slight smile. I never really see her laugh or smile unless someone's telling a joke but normally her smiles are just smirks

"I slept well since you were there" I say cheekily and she smirks at me and shakes her head "real smooth Draco, real smooth" she chuckles

I take her hand and pull her towards me and lean in and connect our lips into a slow deep kiss that's short but all the more amazing

"Come on let's go get breakfast" she says intertwining our hands


We walk into the great hall together having a small talk not really paying attention to anyone but is starts to go quiet and whispers break out most likely about me and her. She's the most popular girl and no doubt sexy strikingly beautiful girl here and she's with me.

We walk to the slytherin table and she sits down in front of Ella and I sit with her soon followed by crabbe and goyle. I look around and see potter staring at me with a glare and I smirk at him. But little did He know that Fred Weasley was also staring at the two couple


Fred Weasley POV

I watch as Vivian walks in with that low life Malfoy. I hate that she is with him, I've liked her since I first met her I know very cliché but I can't help it she really is the most beautiful girl on she is strikingly beautiful to be more exact and I've been having these weird dreams about her. Where she's older and so am I and we live in a huge house bigger than some of the manors I've seen.

It has so many rooms and bathrooms and a huge pool and yard it's probably bigger than malfoy's but every time I dream it she always comes down in a knitted sweater. My sweater to be exact the one my mum nits me every year for Christmas with my letter on it and she always brings up something about us planning a wedding. But I always wake up feeling joyful when I have those dreams like it's almost real and that I have a chance with her but I guess not anyway why would she want to be with someone like me? My family barely can afford school supplies let alone a vacation trip and the o my time we ever went to one as a family was when we won a money thing. So why would she want to be with someone like me?

Beside it's probably just a crush and it will pass soon...I hope.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now