Chapter 44: the cry of war

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A/n: for those who don't know the legal age for consent for sex is 16 in the UK so any future shit is legal in this story.

I've decide to live up to my promise to Draco I was gonna make his life a living hell. I take notice of things about him how when ever I would walk into the great hall he would immediately start talking to Astoria or make out with her. At times I wanted to slap that bitch for not stopping it.

But we aren't technically together anymore so that wouldn't be fair and she's probably the only other slytherin girl I like to hang out with. Besides it's always Draco who's kissing her first he even started annoying me again.

"Hey Diaz...Diaz how does it feel to be a blood traitor?" He would grin maliciously

"Feels pretty damn good" I would say back with annoyance or when he would shove me into the wall when walking passed me.

But now it was my turn to start the cry of the war he started.


I was waking in the halls and spotted Draco. I was going through with my plan I had recently stated to taking to Blaise zabini. Draco Lucius Malfoy's best friend.

Who he so happened to be taking to. Me and Blaise would have secret make-out sessions after classes today. Me and Malfoy have been 'broken up' for about two months.

I walk up to Blaise and say "hey zabini" I say smirking at him and he turns to me with a smirk back.

"Want to go study later in the library today?" I say ignoring Malfoy "I need to study for my owls and your pretty smart at DADA"

"Sounds like a plan" he says with a grin while winking.

Me and Blaise are not and I repeat are NOT dating I told him these make out sessions would be nothing more than just that and he also agreed that he wasn't really looking for one either. He had recently broken up with daphne Greengrass.

But I take this chance and pull him into a kiss in front of Dr-Malfoy. Malfoy. And deepen the kiss, I don't have have to look at draco to know he's jealous. I can feel his eyes burning holes in the back of my head.

"See you later" I wink and pull away giving Draco one last glance. But I can hear Draco scowling at Blaise.

Draco's POV:

"What the hell was that zabini?" I say fuming at what he did with Vivian!

"What?" He says looking at me confused looking at Vivian wall away. I have no clue what she's their playing at.

"You kissed her!" I say half yelling and quieting down so no one can hear me. I don't want to cause a scene right now because I'm sure she would hear since she isn't that far away.

"Yeah, so?" He has an eyebrow raised looking at me expectantly "look dude I don't know why your mad you two are broken up she can kiss whoever she wants and it's not like we're dating" he says defensively

"You aren't?" I ask timidly. Why would she kiss someone she is not dating....oh yeah she doesn't date. But I was just an exception.

"No, she warned me that what goes on between us was a one time thing we only started making out today" he says simply

How can she kiss someone else. That was supposed to be me. She is supposed to be only mine. I get that I make-out with Astoria in front of her but that isn't fair she is making-out with my best friend. And to think I shared a special moment with her at her big mansion over the summer last year. Sure only do it to make her jealous but that's because I want her back I need her. I love her. I miss her, without her I'm broken.

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