Chapter 4 leaving for hogwarts part 2

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Vivian woke up in sweat she had dreamed of waking up in a very cold place all too familiar she had dreamed this dream before one that haunts her from her past Where chose to leave behind and avoided someone she thought she could love but didn't

"I want to be with you Vivian I think...I love you and I know you're my best friend but it's true I do" she had gotten mad at Triston for saying that she wanted to say she loved him but knew she didn't but she didn't want to tell him that because she knew there friendship would be ruined so she got mad

"Why would you say something like that do you not care how this would affect our friendship your just like every stupid person in this world they look at me and fall for me I just wanted a real friend who wouldn't fall lovesick for me or have a hate toward me," she thought this she knew this and sometimes she wonders if Aphrodite's gift was a curse where she could never have a real friend she had avoided Tristan for weeks until she found her only friend that she cared for was dead.

She soon found out that it wasn't a curse when she found Annabeth, Nico, Percy, Jason and hazel, piper and frank they stood by her. Didn't fall for her and of course, that would be weird if Percy did since they were related.

She slipped out of bed and went to the water near her cabin she slipped in the water allowing the water to energize her and feel free she went under and breathed in the salty water having a fish come by her and bow down to her Then swim away
She loved being in the water though it made sense since her father was Poseidon.


Vivian slipped into her cabin to find Percy awake

"Hey I was about to go looking for your thought maybe you got eaten by hydras" he joked

"I wish," I said sarcastically

"Bad dream?" He asked knowingly

"Yeah" I whispered

"Look Vi it's not all bad you'll get through it we've all been through some stuff you just gotta pull through it," he said comfortingly

"I know but I feel like it's my fault Percy if I hadn't reacted the way I did he would still be alive we could still be friends" I felt a tear roll down my eye and hadn't realized I was sobbing

Percy got up from his bed and hugged me tightly "everything is going to be okay you have us and don't get offended but maybe that was his fate not everyone gets a happy ending you of all people should know that Vi" I feel anger boiling in my veins but I know he's right because even if  Triston was alive I don't think we would still be friends

I pull away from perch and give him a cold stare "I swear to gods if you tell anyone what just happened I will kill you" I say jokingly but threatening

He raises his arms up and just smiles


We don't have time to eat breakfast and I meet with Percy and Annabeth and the rest in the pavilion where chiton explains how we are to get to Hogwarts

"You will each be given wands all made specifically for you know one can possess these wands" Chiron looked at every one of us

"Percy has a cedar wooded wand with Pegasus hair" Chiron hands us our wand

Annabeth got a fur tree wand with the mark of Athena engraved on it

Nico got a blackthorn wand with an obsidian skull engraved into it

Jason an English oak wand with a lightning bolt engraved

Hazel with a hazel wand with a green gem on it

Piper got a pine wand with a weird but beautiful engraving

And I got a cherry wand with the heart of a Pegasus hair

We then are told we have to go to Diagon
alley to get books and supplies

We leave from a thing called the floor and I thought Greek transports were weird

When we step out of a fireplace I find that I am the first one out and walk out I don't bother to wait for them and head to get my supplies I get some books for Hogwarts

Dark art book, charms book, potions book, etc.

When I'm done with all my shopping I find Nico waiting out by the store

"Vivian" Nico yells

"Hey Nico, when did you get here?" I hug

"I got here about twenty minutes ago I already got my Things as I see you have done" he pints to my things

"Yeah I didn't feel like waiting for anyone" I shrug

"How are you feeling about all of this? Having to watch over two mortal while also being told you were born to defeat Gaea" he looks at me expectantly

"Honestly if you want the truth I find it bullshit everyone acts like it's all going to be okay and I find it stupid I have to watch over some mortals who already possess some magic," I say truthfully feeling a burden lift off my chest

"Yeah I get what you mean but I'll be right with you V you can do this"

I nod my head and we walk to where the rest of the gang are

"Where were you we thought maybe you got lost or something you can't do that" Annabeth states

"I didn't feel like waiting for you guys so I went ahead and got my supplies" I shrug off

Annabeth just Huffs

"So what do we do from here because we can't just go back to camp we have no floo powder and We don't know this place," Leo says

"I guess we just camp out somewhere near since we have no other choice right," Jason says

"Or I can charm speak someone for information" piper butts in

"No doesn't sound like a good idea this place doesn't seem like a normal place everyone here seems to dress like my grandma" Leo jokes I can't help but laugh and everyone just looks at me and smiles

"Back at it with your lame jokes I see"

"It's not lame if you laugh," Leo says pretending to be offended

"I was laughing because it was stupid" I joke

Leo gasps "dang when did you turn so cold" he jokes

I shrug

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