Chapter 24

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It's Saturday and I told Ella I would help her look for a dress for the Yule ball and she wakes me up early. Too early for my liking and try shove her away but she jerks the covers off of me. "Vivian get the hell up you said you would go with me!"

"It's too early!" I carry early longer to exaggerate what I mean but she rolls her eyes "it is nearly 10:00am get up"

I sit up and huff at her but she laughs and shakes her head "go take a shower and hurry up or I'm leaving you" I haul myself out of bed and rub the sleep off my eyes and grab a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a dark red shirt and some laced underwear and head to take a shower And brush my teeth

I find Ella outside in the common room and she huffs "about time the zombie woke up from her slumber" I give her the finger and she gives a fake hurt."let's go before I change my mind your starting to give me a headache"


We walk into Twilfitt and tatting's and immediately someone come to assist us.
"Hello my dears how can I assist you"Ella has a huge smile on her face she says she's never been in here before until now

"Umm...right now we don't need any help but thank you" Ella says this as proper as she can but the lady doesn't seem to understand "we would like to look at a few dresses for Yule ball please" I look at Ella and give her an are you serious look.

"Okay dears come right this way" she leads us to the back where there's a room filled with dresses and ball gowns
"Do you have any specific suggestions"

"I want something bright... like pink or a light blue or even lavender" Ella suggests and the lady nods "okay I'll bring back several options for you, you just stay right there"

We wait ten minutes until the lady comes back with a cart that has several dresses hung from it "okay here I have some dresses you can try"

The first dress is a sky blue dress that has laced sleeves and slims down her waist and trails down but she doesn't like it. The next one is a darker blue but bright enough for her taste it's a stapped dress the stops at her knees and slows out in lace with blue gems embedded on the waist.

She seems to really like This one but and puts it aside just incase. We go through ten dresses until she finds a rose pink dress that darkens at the bottom. It has shoulder straps and flows down to her feat with a gold design flowing in different places. "I think This is the dress I want"

She looks at the big mirror that stands on a wall and she twirls around in it and has a huge smile on her face.
"So This is the one I can have it wrapped up for you and ready to go" Ella nods her head and goes to change out of it when she grabs the bag it's came out of her face pales as she looks at the tag

"Umm can you please give a moment I think I change my mind" the lady nods her head in patiently "we'll if you found what your looking for then please ring this bell and I'll be down"

Ella goes to the other dresses and looks at all the tags and her face pales even more
"What's wrong El'?"she turns to me a flustered look and she's shaking her head and pacing Back and forth with a worried expression on her face

"I can't afford any of these dresses these prices are way out of my league and I don't have time to call a dress from my parents" she's staring tear up and I feel guilty I should have known this place was pricy since it is where people like malfoy shop and I decide I'll play for it I don't mind anyway I have way too much money at gringotts since its filled head to toe with jewels and galleons

"Okay I'll pay for them then" Ella face churns into one of disbelief "Vi there's no way you can afford them if I can't" I roll my eyes at her and am hurt a little by her

"Listen just because I don't dress like the Malfoys or like pansy doesn't mean I'm not loaded with money" she looks at me with a hint of hope "are you being serious? Because I'm not joking"

She grabs the dress she wants and shows me the price but I'm not fazed by it I've donated more money than the worth of this dress I donated over 200,000 dollars to a children's hospital who are fighting cancer

"It's fine trust me that isn't even that much money it'll be fine I have plenty of galleons and jewels" she finally gives in and rings the bell for assistance

"Okay we decided on our dress" the lady nods and grabs the dress and we go up to the front to pay and I hand her a bag of galleons and we go to leave but she stops us "don't you want you money back you payed me too much for what was needed"I shake my head "no you can keep it"


We head back to hogwarts and Ella has been thanking me non stop for buying her dress but I shrug her off

"So have you decided to finally go tot he Yule ball with" I haven't told Ella yet about Draco asking me and agreeing so I tell her and leave out the kiss we had

"Oh my gods, I thought you two hated each other, like you looked like you were going to murder him at the party" Ella is squealing and jumping up and down and I have to end up holding her down and telling her to be quiet

"So when does your dress get here? I want to see what it looks like" she's squealing again and I have to cover my ears to keep them from ringing. I had gotten my dress in two days ago in a box that sally sent here in a big bag that had the dress in a cover I had looked at it and I started squealing a little when I got it

"Your just gonna have to wait and see until the Yule ball but I had gotten it in two days ago designed how I want it"

"Okay but I get to be the first one to see you in it not malfoy"

I laugh at her "and remember I'm doing your makeup for the ball and our hair" I tell her and she nods

I had let Ella do my makeup for the party because she didn't think I could do makeup or hair. But I proved her wrong when we were hanging around and I did hers for her for fun since I was bored.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now