Chapter 61: wedding planning

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It's been a month that we've lived in our house and Narcissa is coming over tonight for dinner with me while Draco is out with Blaise and knott. I've decided to cook some lemon pepper chicken and rice with a strawberry tart dessert. I decide to start cooking at five tonight it's good be ready and prepared I also got out some red wine.

I get ready for tonight and put on a black fitted dress with some black high heels. Tonight we will be setting a wedding date and talk about decorations where we want to have our wedding set up. I want it to be here out in our field a bit away from the house.

After I'm done getting dressed I start preparing dinner. I get the chicken out from the fridge and grab the lemon, salt, pepper, chicken seasoning and the bag of rice. I put the rice in first with oil and stir it around for a bit before adding some chicken broth and water and letting sit while I cut carrots. I add that to the rice and begin on the chicken. It's going to take about an hour to cook.

I occupy myself by practicing playing piano I used to play back when I was younger I've always known how to play, same as guitar but not really good That's why I'm taking lessons to better myself at it.

I decide to play the tune of 'body' it's one of my favorite songs I like to listen to. I used to not give a care for music like this sure I listened to songs similar to this but nothing ever this slow.

I listen as my fingers hit the key of pianos and I listen and play to the rhythm of the song. When the song end I hear the door bell ring and get up knowing Narcissa has arrived.

I open the door and welcome her in I watch as  her eyes light up at my house, she takes in the scenery of everything and walk further. I hear the timer go off for the food and excuse myself.

I get the dinner out. And begin to set plates with food. I pour our glasses of wine.

"If your hungry dinner is finished and served" I tell her smiling. She smiles and nods walking with me to the kitchen. She admires the kitchen and smiles. "A lovely home you guys have you know, I'm sure Lucius will love this he's always wanted the best for Draco" she says .

"Of course I'd want the best for my children too if have any" I say. We walk in and get seated enjoying the meal a bit before we plan.

"This is delicious" Narcissa compliments. "You must have a good elf" she says taking a sip of her wine.

"Oh, no I cooked this myself, I found that cooking gives me a calming manner but I do planning getting elves to do the cleaning" I say taking a bite of my food. She nods.

"So cooking, is calming you say?" I nod and take a sip of my wine. "Yeah, I had to learn to find things that um..made me happy" I feel my heart clench a little thinking about the incident that took place almost two years ago.

"During my sixth year at hogwarts I had seen something that had completely shattered me and I realized I wasn't happy, that this thing couldn't always keep me happy I had to take time to heal... so that's what I did I did homeschooling basically" Narcissa has tears in her eyes. I never said I tied to commit suicide but I think she got the hint.

"My childhood was nothing pleasant, I'd built up anger and hurt, along with depression so yeah I found things that made me happy like music" I smile.

"I'm so glad Draco's found you, he was never a happy boy growing up and I- I feel it was my fault and Lucius just kept pushing him to be perfect you know, so that what he did in peoples eye's but Lucius never saw the good side of things, he always scowled at Draco" I hear her muffle her cries. I pull her into a hug without thinking I lay her back as she cries into my shoulder.

"No ones perfect Narcissa, Lucius will learn that hopefully over time because I know Draco did, Draco doesn't hate you maybe Lucius but not you, I think Draco's more hurt than angry at you both, but once he sees that you were doing what you thought was best he'll come around" I say comfortingly.

"Thank you Vivian, that means more to me than you know" she dabs under her eyes and smiles.

"Do you mind if I tour the house, it's just so well decorated and I would love to see more" I nods and gesture her to follow me.

I how her the guest room and mine and Draco's room. She takes her time admiring everything and looking at the furniture. We finally get to the third floor and she immediately notices the babies rooms. She looks at me tears eyed and smiles.

"Is this the rooms I think it's for?" She's asks me I smile. "Yeah I designed them myself" I say smiling proudly. Unlike Draco she looks into the gender neutral room. She squeals little  and while I chuckle at her. She admires the baby furniture and designing. She exits out and I close the door. She looks into the play room briefly before closing the door.

She looks into the room I love the most I don't know why I just have the feeling that this is going to be my first child's room. "Oh it's lovely, they're both lovely" she says smiling.

"Thank you" I say. She looks through the drawers probably hoping for a sign that I'm already pregnant. Which I'm Not.

"I can't wait until you have children, with your beautiful eyes and skin, and Draco's skin and eyes, they'll be beautiful" she says. I smile and laugh.

"So shall we walk back down and begin planning for your wedding, we'll have so much to do" says clapping her hands excitedly. We walk down and sit ourselves down on the couches.

"So I was thinking we'd have my wedding in the field since we own the land it would be a great place to hold the wedding" I say Narcissa smiles.

"That's exactly why I was thinking, we would have tents set up with marble flooring for the dance. Their would be a temporary venue" She gets out a notebook from her carry bag and jots it down.

"But nothing green Narcissa, I'm not a fan of the color green" I say.

"How about we get some lovely white roses and Narcissa flowers set up I know draco would like that" I say. She smiles and nods.

We plan some things and then replan it. This was going to take much longe than I thought.

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