Chapter 19

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Vivian POV

When we arrive at camp there's harpies and dracnae there

I run up to them and see Percy has summoned water and is fighting off a harpie one of the drakon turns and charges after me but I easily step aside

"Vivian Diaz I have waited to get my hands on you daughter of Poseidon"

"Oh yeah well I'm here get come get me" I battle with the drakon and finally manage to slice though it and it disintegrates into yellow dust

I see Annabeth's dagger get knocked out of her hand and the harpy goes to attack her but I slice right through it leaving dust all over Annabeth

"Thanks Vi" I help her up and hand her, her dagger

We continue to fight like this for the rest of the night


Two weeks have passed by and no one has spoken to us everytime we got to The Great Hall we get glares from all the tables including Harry and his friends.

I tried talking to Harry but he ignored me and told me he couldn't make it for our date next weekend because he was busy.

I had went to my classes not talking to anyone and for once I feel heartbroken that I lost all my new friends. But I guess you learn who the real ones are huh?

Until today That Monday when we arrive we are called to the from of the great hall.

Professor Dumbledore has stepped up in front of us.

"Wizards and witches may I please have your eyes up here" he looks very wise "I have noticed how you've been treating the children of the gods and I want you to give them a chance to explain why they kept this secret hidden from you"

I let Annabeth do all the talking.

"I bet some of you think we are traitors...some of you probably hate us but we can not help that we couldn't tell you at the time, we were taught to keep our bloodline a secret, you can be mad at us I understand that but I doubt any of you have ever went through what we have so the reason we kept us a secret was to protect you from harm" she states confidently

"Oh yeah what makes your life so terrible did you have a psychotic wizard trying to kill you" a kid shouts

Annabeth's jaw clenches and she speaks "no much worse than that we had to defeat a titan much more powerful than us, our family, friends, people who we knew and care for were killed now I don't know about you but killing a titan that used to be a god is no easy task" Annabeth pauses and continues

"I lost a friend I had no family at the age of seven my family treated as if I were dirt I was only seven when I saw a friend die by a cyclops right before my eyes, we run from monsters everyday of our lives hoping we don't get killed, Vivian lost her mother at the age of thirteen and she saw her get killed by monsters because she wouldn't join Kronos side her closest friend died and her fellow campers died in the war against Kronos , Percy's mom got kidnapped and we had to go to the underworld just to save her"

"Nico watched his only sister die he has no family except hazel who isn't from the Greek world but from the Roman side we've all been fighting from monsters our whole lives some longer than others so we had to keep us a secret so we knew if we were safe or not because it's tiring from constantly running from danger we aren't asking for pity but for you to see our line of things" Annabeth has finally finished and we all walk out of The Great Hall


Another week has gone by and people are talking about the first task for the triwizard tournament is to happen and how the other schools will soon arrive again.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now