Chapter 5 the family of reds

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A/n: sorry if you don't like the story at all but this is more for me but if you do like its story Then I hope you enjoy it :)


We ended up going back to camp Nico shadow traveled us there and Chiron ended up apologizing for forgetting to give us floo powder but I have a feeling he did that on purpose. I think he was expecting us to find a place to stay over There we end up going to the pavilion to eat I scrape half of my portion as usual to the gods and ask for a safe departure.

Annabeth and Percy aren't at the pavilion but I think I have a clue what there doing and it's honestly disgusting they were caught making out behind a building in Diagon Alley.  Annabeth scolded Percy and blamed him though I know Annabeth better and she was in on it too.

I walk out to the lake not wanting to accidentally walk in on Percy and Annabeth in the cabin. I lay down on the ground and look up at the stars they aren't as calming as the ocean waves but they help some it's been a while since I've seen Thalia grace she's like a sister to me, though she once laughed when just like her and Percy I and Jason got into an argument where I splashed him with water soaking everyone along.

I find myself wondering if I'm ever going to get my happy ending, everyone seems to have someone and I'm just left out on the sidelines just there when people need me but maybe it's better that way no one gets hurt it's not like it's hard keeping a cold stare and blank face it's how I always been except my mother told me a while ago that I used to be a happy toddler until I was seven years old and things started happening.

I miss her sometimes she was the only one there for me when others weren't she always made me smile but now I have nothing but pain and memories I rather have forgotten her than remember her because then at least it wouldn't be hard.


I walk up to the Poseidon cabin to find Percy asleep but his shirt and pants on the floor I roll my eyes.

Percy isn't very discreet and he sometimes lacks intelligence but never less he's my brother and I love him, so I put his clothes up and undress into some black shorts and a black tank and go to bed.

Surprisingly I have no dreams but sometimes having no dreams is as bad as having them.

I go to wake Percy up since we leave in two hours and we have to ride a train to get to Hogwarts but I don't understand why everyone that's a witch or wizard seem to dress like they're from the older years hopefully the other mortals are not like that I get up and go to the bathroom to shower and get dressed I decided to wear my hair up today in a ponytail with some loose strands of hair.

When I walk out of the bathroom Percy has already showered and dressed and is packing last-minute items

"Hey sea brain shouldn't you have packed your items yesterday Annabeth is going to scold you if she finds out your not done packing"

"Yeah I know but she'll never find out sea girl and you are not gonna tell her," he says mockingly

"Really "sea girl" is that the best you got perce" I sarcastically say

"Hey! I think it's a great name" he fake hurts

"Hurry up airhead or were going to be left here then Annabeth will be on both our asses," I say mockingly

We walk out to find Annabeth and Jason and The rest waiting for us I go up to Nico and grab his hand and he nods at us "ready?"

We all of our head and he shadow travels us There.


When we get there I'm a little dizzy but I manage to steady myself just fine and look at my ticket Which says 9 3/4.

"How the hades  are we supposed to get station 9 3/4 does that even exist?" Leo exclaims

"I don't but we should look," hazel says

We walk down through the station until we get to station nine hoping we would find station 9 3/4 near there but we end up finding nothing

"Maybe we can look to see if someone knows where we kind find it"piper suggests

We look but see no sign of anyone knowing where it could be until a family of five come to where we are

"Oh hurry up Ronald we don't have all day, Fred stop throwing firecrackers on the floor right now!" A red-headed lady says thought they all are redheaded

"I'm not Fred, he is shouldn't you be able to tell us apart you did the same thing in our third year," says a boy who seems to have a twin

"Oh bloody hell, I can't find my wand" another red-headed boy who I suppose is Ronald says

"Hurry up, hurry up, Ginny? Ginny oh don't tell me we forgot to wake her up" the mother shrieks

"I'm right here mum and I woke myself up," she says pointedly

"Oh dear you kids nearly give me gray hairs now hurry and go through the wall" the mother scolds

"Be good dears, don't forget to write to me every week" she says tears brimming her eyes

"Oh don't cry mum I was only joking I am Fred we were only joking," says Fred

"Yeah and I am George and don't worry we won't pull any pranks on Ronnikins"George I think says

"Oh shush and go" the mother scolds

We watched one of the twins walk briskly toward a wall expecting him to crash into it but sure enough, he walks straight through Followed by the others.

Percy watches This happens and hurry's and turns to the mother.

"Umm...Miss? do you think you can tell us how to get to station 9 3/4" Percy asks with a small smile

The mother looks at Percy and The rest of us and her eyes stop at me "oh Merlin's sake aren't you strikingly gorgeous and those eyes I've never in my life seen anyone with as beautiful of eyes as those" I can't help but blush

"Oh and yes dear you see that wall just walk and don't stop and you should go straight through that wall there," she says kindly

"Thank you ma'am it was a pleasure meeting you"Percy smiles

"Oh no it was my pleasure I've never seen such beautiful humans in my life" she chuckles "well I guess You should be going before the train leaves have a safe trip"

Annabeth goes first being tentative at first but sure enough, she goes straight through followed by Percy, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Nico, then me.

I walk out amazed and see Nico and the rest waiting at a train I go up to them.

"Thanks for waiting up," I say sarcastically

"No problem" Percy jokes

And we go into the train

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