Chapter 26

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I'm woken up in my big slumber. I try pushing the person away and I turn over on my other side but it's no use the covers I jerked off of me from my sleep and I groan and curse in ancient Greek. I'm not a morning person and if I'm woken then you better have a reason or I'm gonna be bitchy all day. "!" I sit up from my bed and look at the person who's woken me up and of course it's none other Than Ella

"It is time to wake up breakfast is in thirty minutes and we have to plan for the ball" I don't know how she manages to get up so early like does she not sleep I can't stand being woke up. "Ella stop your fucking yelling it's to early for this and I just want to sleep in; I had to tutor Draco again last night and it's exhausting"

"Well this is why you should start a schedule so you can manage your day" she give me a knowing look and but I just roll my eyes at her "I'm not starting some stupid ass schedule that sounds so fucking dumb who does that anymore?"
She fakes hurt and I grin at her and get out of bed to begin the day

I take a long shower and do my facial routine and then brush my teeth.My teeth have always been white for some reason never getting stained or yellow and my breath never stinks in the morning or when I eat it always smells minty.
I get dressed in some white ripped skinny jeans and a dark red shirt with a crown design and middle fingers holding it up. I had gotten it at a store in the mall.

Me and Ella head down to The Great Hall for breakfast and Most students who stayed are already their enjoying their meal or taking to friends. A lot of the younger grades below fourth year went home and some of the other grades too but most stayed to attend the Yule ball and then they plan on leaving after.

Me and Ella find a seat and I'm stuck sitting with Draco Malfoy, that bugshit prick I can't believe I agreed to go with him to the Yule ball I mean he's known all throughout the school almost everyone hates him and he uses girl to his advantage and drops them when he's done. He's also a guy who just doesn't learn to stop running his mouth there have been times where he has almost made me cry but I hold together and push it down you can't show weakness as a demigod.

"So are you two excited about the ball?" Blaise is the one who breaks the tension with a smile and winks Ella while dating this. He is almost a replica of Draco but less prideful and cocky and more nice and flirty there hasn't be one person I haven't seen him flirt with besides pugface
"Yeah we are Vivian is going to be doing mine and a few other girls hair and makeup" Ella practically squeals and I flinch at how loud she is

I decide to grab a plate and put two waffles and fruit with whipped cream and syrup on them with a few pieces of bacon and apple juice, it's not that I don't like pumpkin juice it's actually quite good but I prefer apple juice.

"So what time should we meet up me and Draco shouldn't take too long but we don't mind waiting up"

"Well the ball starts at 8:00pm and it's gonna take my about two hours total to finish mine, Ella's, Ginny's, and Hermione's hair and make up so" I buy in to ease some of the tension between me and Draco and everyone around us seems to relax "okay so maybe 7:40pm we could start doing our hair and makeup at 5:30 and that should give you plenty of time to get everyone's makeup finished" Ella seems happy very happy

"Well that sounds fine I guess" I look around at everyone "anyone have plans this Christmas break?"

"Well I'm going to France for break because my mums grams is sick so well be goin over there" Ella looks a bit sad at having to spend her break away from here
"What about you Blaise" her face lights up again "I'm not for sure my mum is always planning last minute breaks and she wants me to spend time with her new soon to be husband it's like her seventh one like merlins sake women chill out wi The mates!" Blaise is time is in more of a joking manner but I sense some seriousness behind it

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