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Over the weeks Scorpius has been very fussy and whiny, there's not a night where I'm not woken up by his wailing or crying and Draco has been a big help with this. I'd probably lose it if he hadn't decide to stay home instead of becoming and auror he's always volunteering to watch over scorpius when I have work with the ministry. I hadn't planned to work so soon after scorpius's birth but I was offered the job and accepted it, there's no way I'm going to pass up the opportunity.


I'm woken up by my crying baby with Draco still asleep. How the hell did this fucker not hear his own little spawn he created, like literally they look almost exactly alike except Scorpius has my nose,long eye lashes, and my eyes but Draco's hair and skin tone and most of Draco's complexions. Which is really pale.

"Whats wrong baby, are you hungry?" I coo at him. When he continues to cry I change his diaper which is very smelly.

"Daddy such a lazy bum isn't he. Yes he is, yes he is daddy's crazy.. but don't tell him I said that he'll get mad" I say in my baby tone. I kiss his small head and lift my shirt to breast feed him. I normally use formula or pump breast milk but I don't feel like it right now it's too early in the morning.

"My beautiful baby scorpius, oh I love you sooooo much more than the starts that lay beneath the sky" when he's done eating I fix my shirt and hold him in my arms as he sleeps. During my first month with him I was so scared to leave his side and was thinking the worst case scenarios. Draco had to pry me away from him every ten minutes and let's just say I was not having it.

I listen to him gurgle in his sleep as I caress the soft skin of his face and stare at him in awe and love. I still can't believe we made this, I made this. But of course he's beautiful because look at me. What's not to love. Just kidding.


11 years later (didn't want to seventeen years later)

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy!, get your ass down here now!, we're going to be late" I call out to my first born son. Today's his first day of attending hogwarts and he has been nervous and excited all week. Literally non-stop talking about, the kid won't shut up I guess he gets it from Draco.

"Mum!, have you seen my wand!?... and my robes!?" He shouts from up the stares. I sigh and turn to Draco who's dressing our second born son. "Draco that looks horrid" I look as Draco dresses up nick in a ugly green sweater and brown pants. "You know you had so much style back in hogwarts, what changed?" I ask rolling my eyes teasingly.

"I've lived with you for eleven years that's what" he mocks. I watch as he changes nick into a long sleeve dark blue shirt and a black jean jacket with black pants and black shoes.

"That's much better" Draco's smirks before handing me nick who I give kisses to. He's turning two this year and unlike the rest of us his eyes are golden with no blue in them.

"Mamma" he says cupping my face with his small hands. "Hey baby" I coo.

"Scorp I need you to hurry up or your going to miss the train on your first day" I call out. I hand Draco nick before kissing his cheek and go up the stairs to scorpius's room. I look around and see everything from his drawers is thrown about the room. I mentally face palm myself because I'll be the one cleaning it up since the house elves are off today.

"Scorpius, what have I told you about throwing stuff all over the floor damnit!, I love you but honestly scorp looking at your room would drive the house elves mad" I scold him looking at everything.

"I can't find my wand or my robes.., I thought I put my wand under my pillow but it's not there and I checked my drawers but their not there either" he says rummaging in his sock drawer. I swear this kid drives me insane.

"Baby, did you ever think that, maybe, just maybe it fell under your bed while you were asleep" I ask him. He looks at me like I'm a genius before springing underneath his bed.

"Ahah! I've found it" I shake my head in disbelief. "Yeah and what am I?..the ghost that told you?" He looks at me and gives me an awkward chuckle.

"Thanks mom" I chuckle while rolling my eyes and envelop him in a hug. "No problamo bud, now...where did you last have your robes?" I say drawling out the now while looking through his room but she just shrugs. We end up looking for twenty whole minutes before Draco finally decided to please us with his presence and tells us he had them ironed out last night so now we've got to pick them up from flourish and blotts.

"Okay scorpius grab my hand and we're going  to apparate to flourish and blotts and then we apparate to platform 9 3/4"once we arrive there I tell scorpius's to stay with Draco while I get his robes and then run back to them and apparate to the hogwarts train.

"Okay..we've..made it on time" I huff out of breath. "I want you to owl me every week if you can and try to make some friends" I say pulling him into a hug and kissing his head.

"Mom what if I don't make it into slytherin, what if I'm out in gryffindor" he says with worried etched on his face. I knew this would happen. I look to Draco who looks down at our son with pride.

"Me and your dad don't care where you get placed in. If it's gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, or slytherin either way I still love you, we will still love you because that's not important to us except you I don't want you to listen or believe in any bullshit of lies you hear okay?" He looks at me with nearly tear stricken eyes and nods.

"Scorp your going to make enemies and your going to make friends but I want you to know to always stand up for what you believe in, okay? My father never gave me that choice but I want you to and I want you to make the most of hogwarts and friends as you can, I love you Scorp don't forget that" Draco says bringing Scorp into a hug. I watch as scorpius nods and looks at the train before walking off.

"We love you!" I call. He smile's "I love you too mom, dad and nick" I look to nick who's clapping his hands and giggling.

"Oh look at our baby, he's already in hogwarts and this one is already two years old" I say tickling nicks stomach. I see Harry, hermione, Ron, and ginny I send them a wave and w wall stare at the train with smiles as it leaves with our children who will have adventures to come their way in their hogwarts years. Where they will find their second home.

The end.

This book has finally come to an end but please check out my dracoxreader story that already has 2k reads and I'm so appreciative for thankful for the people who've read it. Please leave a vote or comment.

Thank you dreamers. Keep on dreaming.☺️

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