Chapter 7 the sorting

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A/n: at some points in the story it will show the other demigods point of the story of what happened but nothing will be different

When I get to the compartment I sit back in my seat and find Annabeth asleep and I put my music back on and close my eyes to find ten minutes later Nico asleep on my shoulder and I smile he doesn't get much sleep and at one point I had a crush on him until I found out he had different interests but I accepted him and comforted him about it

I seem to have fallen asleep because Annabeth is shaking me so hard that my eyes feel like there vibrating

"Wake up we arrive at hogwarts in twenty minutes and we don't have time for sleep" Annabeth scolds me

"Stop shaking me I'm up" I give her glare and she stops

"Sorry but it didn't seem like you were waking up anytime soon" Annabeth says defensively

"You know what is weird?"

"What?" Annabeth asks

"Ever since we left for hogwarts I haven't had any dreams is that weird?" I ask

"No it's the same for me I haven't had any dreams yet but I doubt it will last long and the only reason no monsters have attacked is because our sent is being covered up by something but it won't last" Annabeth says

Percy walks in along with Nico and Leo

"We talked to Jason and hazel and the rest and they said we should stick together" Percy says

"I agree this isn't our sort of thing so it's best that we do" Annabeth says


The train soon slows down and we pass a big lake with boats that seem to have candles on them

It takes another five minutes until the bus comes to a stop and you can hear everyone clamber around trying to get out but the train door being small where only one person can fit through Percy and Annabeth and Leo stand up but me and Nico stay behind until everyone has exited out the train

I grab nicos hand for comfort

"It's gonna be okay V you can get through this plus it's basically just a couple of mortals" he says calmly

" your right let's go so we don't keep them waiting"

Me and Nico walk off the train and thankfully no one has noticed us but I see some of the other wizards and witches shift uncomfortably as they feel our presence but they seem to ignore it and look straight at a huge man

"All right folks w'er to be headed to hogwarts just follow me and e'rthing should be fine" he's say reassuringly

Me and Nico and Leo get on one boat although they could fit four people we decided it just be us, Annabeth and Percy and frank ride together on a boat beside us And piper and Jason and hazel on the other side the boats start moving on there own once everyone is on there boats

The boats are going to slow for my liking so I speed my boat up and Percy seems to have the same ideas as he also speeds up his but when we notice we're starting to get ahead I move the rest of the boats up and duck my head so no one looks at me and stay in the back. On our way out
I notice the red headed boy who's name is ronald with a girl with frizzy hair and boy with rimmed glasses they seem to be having a very serious conversation but I space them out I had put on my blank expression and cold stare and I can feel my eyes almost glow in the dark

"Alright w'er almost at hogwarts faster than normal eh" Hagrid is his name which I found out when one of the boys said it, seems to glance in the back like he knows it's us

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