Chaper 32 ferret

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(I know This happens before the first tasks but I decided to make it during The second task so it will be slightly different to fit with the story)

We made it back to hogwarts. Everyone kept asking me if I was okay and I just nodded my head or responded with a smile and a yes, but in all truths that was lie my life doesn't seem to be getting any better. Just when I thought I could put everything behind me something turns up and the bad thing is I think I'm starting to love someone.

As annoying as the git is he makes me smile more than I have in the past years. He shows me that I can be me when I'm with him. And maybe it's because we both are broken souls but sometimes you need two broken souls to heal each other.

I walk to my room I have been skipping meals lately worrying about Percy hoping and praying to the gods that he's alive. I've been depressed lately too but it's nothing new for me more like an old friend returning for a visit. I've been crying a lot and thinking thoughts know right minded person should think, but what can I do I can't tell my friends because they all have enough to deal with as it is.

It's been two whole weeks

I decide it's time to get myself together and take a shower and return back to my cold self and make it through life like I always did. I get showered and dressed in a black hoodie and black ripped pants  with black vans. I decide to add some light makeup just because.


I walk into the great hall not caring how people will react to what I'm wearing since I'm normally dressed in my house robes and slytherin colors but not today I'm tired of keeping up with appearances based on what people expect. This is me deal with it.

Ella is the first to notice me and I give her a slight smile and walk over to her. She looks surprised/shocked as the rest of the slytherin house and hogwarts students.

"Oh my god vi your finally out" I just give her cold stare and I can see she's a bit hurt "are you okay vi? I've never seen you dressed so dark and cold"

"I'm completely fine thank you and I'm dressing how I always used to" I can't help but be cold to my friends at least I would be protecting them

"No your not fine you haven't been out of the girls dorms unless it's for classes and you've barely spoken to any of us!" She mad and angry and I understand

"I said I'm fucking fine! Damn get off my back" I slam my hands on the table and I see tears pricking at her eyes so I look away from her feeling my own tears sting.

"What happened to you where the Vivian I know, the one who's always saying dark jokes or being sarcastic but smiling? Where's that Vivian?" I look at her and shrug

"Your looking at her, I only showed you the person everyone wanted to see but I'm tired of keeping appearances you can either take me or leave me that your choice but don't get mad at me for not pretending to be something I'm not" I say harshly but to be fair This is partly true

"You know you may be the most beautiful person to exist but your personality is what made you ugly" she says with a little bit of venom but mainly sorrow

"No!, You would never understand my life that's why I'm being this way I'm being myself that part is not a lie I'm a broken person you can't fix so why do you keep trying" she looks at me with mixed emotions

"Ok not tying to hate you Ella but I have to, to protect you and my friends I'm just bringing you danger" I sob quietly Ella comes up to me and embraces me in a big hug

"You can't just push people away, Malfoy has literally been crying no one has noticed but I have and he pushes people" I can't believe I've put him through this. I never even thought vault how this would effect him.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now