Chapter 52: poison

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This year has been rough for Draco. He spends most of his time working on the vanishing cabinet and in his spare time sleeps with me in my dorm room. I've just barely managed to get him to eat it's like I'm taking care of six feet one-hundred and twenty eight pound baby. I mean I love him to death but oh my gosh how m I supposed to study for my newts and make sure he eats and sleeps. 

"Draco" I nudge him. He's laying in my lap with his eyes closed.

"Dracooo" I coo but still no answer.

"Draco!" I shout. He finally opens his eyes and I want to tell him he needs to get his act together but I can't bring myself to. I don't understand what he's gong through because I've never had to kill a good person who's only tried to help me through out my life. So I don't say anything.

"Hmm?" He grunts.

"Come on lets go down to the lake and lay their by that tree" I say pushing his hair out of his face. "Mhm" he hums in response.

I decide to just let him sleep. It's going to air me hours to wake him up. But I can study while he sleeps...but how am I going to get my bag?....wait I know. "Accio bag" I whisper shout.

It takes a couple second before it flies into my hand barely missing Draco's head. I lightly laugh and get my notes and books out.

I decide to study for potions first then transfiguration, charms, D.A.D.A, care of magical creatures. I've basically got everything memorized and I'm tied with first best with hermione but I sit want to get anything wrong plus I'm legally allowed to use magic outside of school since I turned seventeen before everyone in my year. Which also means I've got to take a test for apparation after the school year is over.

As I'm studying Draco starts to stir in his sleep and sweating which I don't see how since it's cool in my common room. He starts to murmur in his sleep and it sounds like muffled crying so I do what I know best comfort and calm him down. Gently stroking his hair he starts to calm down I place my hand on his forehead and keep it there he completely calms down when I do. He's like my big baby and that's fine by me.


When I'm done studying I feel prepared for the test in three weeks. It shouldn't be hard now that I've been studying and memorizing everything over again. I look at the clock and see it's past midnight. I should get me and Draco to bed.

I nudge him lightly and his eyes flutter open. "Come on lets go to bed" I say softly. He licks his lips before getting up and following me into my room and getting undressed for bed. I do the same and go to brush my teeth. When I come back Draco is asleep again or o I thought.

"Hurry up your taking forever just to get ready for bed" he groans. "Hush I was brushing my teeth something you should do" I say playfully.

"I'll do it in the morning" he grunts. "Then don't kiss me in the morning with your smelly breath" I say.

"For that I'll be sure to blow my breath in your face when you wake up" he jokes. I think.

"Then I'll just be sure to drown you with mouth wash before you do" I say while climbing In bed. He pulls me into bed and warps his arms around me while entangling his legs with mine. "Goodnight love" He kisses my cheek.

"Goodnight ferret, I love you" I say kissing his lips before turning to sleep. "You know your like my personal teddy bear" he mumbles.

"Is that so?" I ask. "Yeah" he says halfway asleep. I watch him struggle to keep his eyes open while trying not to laugh. He fails at doing so.

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