Chapter 67: baby shower

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It had been seven months since my ultrasound and Draco had become restless as my stomach grew and swelled with our soon to be baby boy/girl. I wasn't planning on doing a baby shower I was just gonna see what it was but hermione, Ella, and ginny weren't having it they had ridiculed me the entire night and said how selfish I was for it. I for one was stunned.

They had stated they would plan it and i was not allowed in my own home when the time came which would be in November two months before my baby was due which was on the thirteenth of January.

So that was in a days time and until then I had to stay with Draco at his old parents manor which he hated. It gave him a sadness.

"Alright love, I've got the bath ready for you" Draco had been helping me a lot with the pregnancy. Making sure to excuse himself from work every time I had an ultrasound. The witch who does it was nice and she even got me one of those beats that has a recording of your baby's heart beat. Draco would listen to it every night and smile big at it.

I take off my red robe I was wearing and slipped in the bath Draco by my side.

"So the baby's name I was thinking, if it was a boy if we could name him Scorpius and a girl Stacy" he says. I quirk and eye at him and shake my head no.

"Really Draco, Stacy...our of all the girl names you pick Stacy" I says dumbly. "No way in hell am I naming it that, but I do love the name Scorpius"

"What I think Stacy is good name" he says defensively. I scoff and shake my head no. "If it's a girl I'm naming her Monica Isabell malfoy" I tell him. A big smile forms on his face and he smiles.

"I love it" he kisses my temple before placing his hand on my stomach. I watch as he rubs it and stares lovingly at it. "But if it's a boy we're naming him Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy" he says turning to me. I nod and bring his hand to my lips kissing it.

He leans in to give me a kiss a sweet and passionate one. His hands trail down my stomach and down to my center. I let out a gasp and feel a shiver course through me. He moves his finger around and trails them further down and inserting them in me pumping in and out. I let out a moan as I feel myself come on edge. Draco then pulls his finger out and cleans them off. I pant and shake my head.

"It's never just helping me with a bath is it?" I scoff and begin to start cleaning myself and washing my hair. "What can I say, your hard to resist" he winks walking out of the bathroom. I finish my bath and get dressed and head to bed. Looking at draco who's already asleep.


Today is the baby shower and I decide on wearing a spring dress that's dark blue with white flowers and some toms. I put up my hair and head out with Draco. We decided to go out and have breakfast before the baby's shower and maybe do a little shopping, I need some more clothes cause this baby's isn't really helping but good thing is if I have another kid in the future at least I'll have clothes for next time.

Me and Draco decide on pancakes and fruit with bacon at this diner. I don't eat all of it because I'm not really hungry and I'm excited to get to the baby shower. After we're done we head to the mall where I look around it's hard to believe that me, a twenty year old is about to have a baby soon. I look around in the shop with Draco basically at my hip everywhere even when I enter Victoria secret, he looks at all the bras and lingerie giving me a cocky look. Which I shake my head at.

I decide to get some new bras and panties along with some shirt and pants at other stores. We then go look at the baby clothing and decide to get some gender neutral clothing I pick out a cute onesie with a bear on it. We leave and make our way to our house. When we arrive as soon as you set foot at the front for there's bangers of blue and pink with balloons, Draco unlocks the door and we set my bags down in the hall and make our way in.

It feels like it any birthday more than it is my baby shower. When we walk in everyone screams. "Surprise!" I laugh.

"It's not a birthday party guys, I already knew about but hanks all the same" I see Ella pout and roll her eyes. Hermione runs to me and gives me a hug before feeling my belly.

"Oh my god!" She squeals. Me and Ella are both big now and she's hoping they are both boys so they can grow up together and be best mates.

"Your baby is due a week after mine how crazy is that?" She asks. I shrug and look around.

"Vivian!, did you just shrug at me this is our babies lives we're taking about" I again shrug and she pouts with hands on her hips.

"El' literally we've been taking about our Babies the whole time but today is not about you it's about my baby so get out the way woman!" I playfully shove her out the way which she scoffs to.

"This is going to be amazing!" Draco says smiling. I nod and kiss him on the cheek. We look around at the decorations and they have some games put out along with food.

Narcissa comes running to me with a happy but jealous attitude. "You know I wish you would have told me the gender so I could have helped with the baby shower, after all he is my grandson" she say looking around. I give her a warm laugh. She looks away from the crowd and feels my stomach seeing if the baby will kick. The baby only moves a bit, but I can feel it pushing a little.

Draco comes back into view and looks at his mother who smiles feeling the baby. "Your mother's obsessed" I whisper to him. He nods.

When Narcissa is done we greet the other guests along with sally and Percy. She left little Emma with Paul at home since she's wasn't feeling well. I grab som food and eat a bit of it and have a small talk with hermione and Ella. I end up doing some photos shoots with Ella making me change into a dress that shows my stomach.

"Okay everyone we should cut the cake" Ella yells. Me and Draco stand up and make our way tot he cake, I take the knife and Draco guides my hands to cut it and the color of the cake is blue. I feel my eyes bludgeoned with happiness. "It's a boy!" Everyone yells. I feel tears run down my cheeks as I give draco a kiss. Yay a boy!

I'm then given baby shower gifts that contain boy clothes and toys along with diapers, bottles, baby formula since I'm not breast feeding and a whole bunch of them things. When everyone finally leaves I use a spell to clean most of it and then asks the elves to clean up the rest. Me and Draco sort the baby clothes I into the closet and put the diapers away.

"I can't believe our little boy will be here soon" I tell him.

"I know it looks like baby Scorpius is excited too" he says feeling him kick around.

"I know he seems to have your temper, always trying his best to make me uncomfortable" I scoff. I put my hand on my belly and look lovingly at it. "I can't wait to see you Scorpius"

Draco bends down and kisses my baby bump and then pulls me out of Scorpius's room and into our own. I let my hand on my stomach  and run my hand along it. I'm so happy.

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