Chapter 42: cold heart

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I wake up and find an arm rapped around me tightly. Draco. I look over at him and turn over watching him peacefully sleep. I trace my finger along his jaw and then his cheek. I continue to caress his face as he sleeps soon drifting off into a slumber of my own again.


I'm woken up by the rustling of movement and shifting around me I decide to get up realizing I'm in the boys dormitory.

"Good morning, love" he says leaning over to give me a kiss on the cheek. I stretch out on his bed and get up.

"Good morning to you too drac" I say getting my robes out of my bag and getting changed in the bathroom.
Me and Draco are head girl and boy for the of our years until we leave Hogwarts for good then a new set of fifth years takes out place for that's if there's another kid from the gods. Draco will get his own room but me I already have my own room and house.

"What do you think about going to hogsmede with me this weekend as a our real first date?" Draco says as I step out of the bathroom to grab my tutu brush.

"I think that sounds like a good idea since we barely know much about each other" I say waking back into the bathroom with decal close behind with a big smile on his face. "Great, you'll want to dress warmly"

"Mmhmm" I say with toothpaste in my mouth

Draco comes behind me and hugs me while placing a kiss on my neck. He traces my neck with his finger on one spot. Probably a hicky.

"What is it, love?" I say. which catches him by surprise and a wide grin to develop on his face. "Love?" He asks

"Yeah I kind of like it love and babe are my nick names for you along with dray and Drac" I say to him after rinsing my mouth with mouthwash and water then turning around to give him a kiss.

"You know your breath always smells minty even after you eat which is weird?" he says looking into my eyes with his arms on my waist. I shrug. "Is that a bad thing?" I ask

"No it's one of my favorite scents mint, with a vanilla berry perfume mixed with the ocean it's like your signature scent" he says smiling. Making me smile big at him.

"Your such a nerd Draco" I laugh slightly. What she didn't know was that Draco also smelled the scent of new books on her as well no one knew much about her and one of these things they didn't know was she loved to read mostly in her spare time when no ones around. Hard when your dyslexic and ADHD? Yes but there's a spell for that to change it to Greek.

Third person POV:

"Vivian I-I love you" he says while looking intensely into her eyes searching behind those cold blank eyes that she represents to the world behind those beautiful gold sea-blue streaked eyes of hers.

But Vivian was scared she was freaking out. She hated those words but more importantly she was unsure of them she's never loved anyone. That was the reason for her not dating she didn't want to love someone or anything that could break her with just words. This was what she's been avoiding all her life. This is what made her heart spread with black on it turning cold. This was why she was in this mission to find love and save her heart from darkness but she didn't know that yet.

She needed to complete this mission within the next few months because war was coming and her heart and strength were the key to defeating Gaea. They all knew this too the gods, Chiron, campers, Percy, and the others. But she didn't because if she did she would definitely back out of this mission and run.

"I need to go Draco" she said running out leaving behind a heart broken Malfoy with sobs choking up in him at her rejection.
Because he finally found someone who he thought would finally show him love and give him love. Something he grew up without.

All Draco malfoy's life he would yearn for his father's attention. He do anything to get attention from his father this was partly why he bullied potter and his friends and why he bullied those so called 'mudbloods' but he didn't even know why he hated them. Maybe it was because potter had something he didn't friends? Family? No it was love. Everyone seems to love Harry Potter and he gets all the attention which was all Draco ever wanted form his mum and dad.

Flash back ~Draco at age five-10

Decal age five had asked his mum for something so simple "Mummy can we go play just me you and daddy?"

He said looking up at his mother in hope. His mother loved him dearly but there was something about the Malfoy family where they couldn't seem to show their love no matter the problem maybe it was because of the toll the dark lord left on them either way it left their child broken and unloved.

"Draco mummy is quite busy and now is not the time, go play with your toys and then we'll buy you more new ones when daddy's home" she said lightly smiling this was how they 'showed their love' buy buying it.

Draco to young to understand was happy at This idea and nodded running and giggling to his room waiting to get his new toys soon.

But as the years went buy he became cold , greedy, envious, and snobby. He loved to think he was more superior to others because of his families wealth, he picked on kids when his father was around who would look proud just for a bit but just what Draco wanted but it never lasted long. This is what drove him to the bullying and bragging.

He would often see kids. Muggles. Play around in the park when him and his mum was out in the muggle world looking at expensive wizarding clothing in a hidden shop. He watched the kids play soccer something he didn't know anything about but wanted to play.

"Mummy can I go play with them it seems quite fun" he says looking longingly at the children who had real friends. Where a lonely Draco wished he was normal sometimes.

"You will not play with filth Draco Lucius Malfoy!" His mother screeched "you will never play with anyone who isn't pureblood or wealthy understand?" His father cut in behind his mother.

"Yes father" he said shamefully. Upset he let his father down.

As he got Oder though he no longer wanted to play with those children and the thought that they were filthy mudbloods and halfbloods along with muggles disgusted him. He grew without the love from his parents and grew cold like them until he met Vivian Diaz Alice. Then his heart burned with an unknown feeling he couldn't recall having. Love.

He too realized there was someone who was just as broken as him if not worse she wasn't cruel. no!. But she didn't have care for the people around her, she was rude unless your friends, she couldn't care any more about you. She made promise more of a vow to never love anyone at the age of eight. She neglected her mother's love and attention but deep down she cared so when her mother had passed at the age of thirteen she was shattered. The gods kept eyes on her heart on the day she made the vow to never love and when her mother died her heart seemed to grow with black darkness. She had never known what love is or understood even when she was given plenty of it.

Deep down it wasn't the love That could change her heart. That was The start of her prophecy the fear of gods that something could destroy a world by something so little.

-Flash back over-

Draco fell to his knees and sobbed why couldn't anyone love him? Why did they hate him? And most importantly why did he have to say something so stupid? But he couldn't help it. He couldn't deny something sit strong that it almost knocked out the breath in him. Every time he saw her his breath would hitch in. When she smiled it's like the sun was making everything new, the way her eyes sparkled and seemed to move like the waves on a sunny day. He loved everything about her, her flaws, beauty, sickness, everything and he want going to give up yet. He would cry about it for awhile yes. But he sousing let her go that easy he was after all the Draco Lucius Malfoy and he always gets what he wants.

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