Chapter 64: The honeymoon

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This morning draco has dragged me out of the house after I showered and changed. We're going to our honeymoon trip for a whole month he really needed this. We both did.

"Come on it's going to take a while before we get there" he says smiling. I run to catch up with him and take his hands.

"Why? We have magic we can literally apparate there" I say annoyed. He just shrugs.

"We're doing it the muggle way, we're going to take a car then a plane and you'll see the rest" he seems very happy and it's contagious. I smile and we get in the car he has token out of my garage.

"Do you even know how to drive?" I ask him. He looks over to me and shrugs.

"If muggles can do it then so can I, it doesn't look that hard" there goes his ego and prided.

"No fucking way! Your not driving! Your going to get us killed!" But it's already to late, the little bastard has already started the car and leaving.

He drives pretty well. But now though I've never taught him. "One of the Weasley twins taught me, he took me a whole month to get it right and we used this car" what!?

"Since when!?, I've never even seen you leave with it" I say astonished they basically stole my car. That is barbaric!

"Whenever you were asleep or when you were gone he'd come over" he shrugs. I sit in silence still thinking how the fuck he stole my car when I was asleep. Surely I would have heard it!.

"You little bitch!, you gave me a sleeping potion didn't you!?" I see a grin form on his face and snicker comes along with it.

"You never even noticed" he brags. I smack his arm very hard and he winces. "You basically drugged me!, you know I'm maybe I can get bout of this marriage and look for someone less crazy" I say with a fake seriousness and fear.

I see his face turn into a scowl and he turns to me. "Or maybe I'll just slip a little bit of amortentia into you drink if you wanna go that road" he's joking right!?    

"Psh yeah okay, and I'll slip the drought of living death in yours so keep an eye out for what you drink lover boy" I say rolling my eyes. He scoffs and lays his hand On my thigh.

I think it would be a Funny joke so I shove it off. He places it back. I shove it off. And this continues until he slaps my thighs making give a small yelp.

"Draco if you have some weird thigh slapping kink then please keep it to yourself" I joke. He huffs in annoyance. I grab his hand and place it on my thigh and hold it. I see a goofy smile spread on his face from the corner of my eye and a smile covers mine.

When we arrive to the airport a man comes to take our luggage we will be riding in a private plain so no one else is aboard. I take a seat and Draco follows. I lay my head on his shoulder and watch as the plains starts rolling to take off. It's three in the afternoon and Draco still hasn't told me where we are going.

We both end up falling asleep and when I wake up the sun is going down. Draco is still asleep and I smile he's so cute. I give him a soft kiss on his pouty lips and he smiles. He was never asleep.

"Your such a faker" I laugh pushing his head. He smiles and pulls my face in for another kiss this one lasts longer than the other one.

"Your so beautiful, you know that?" He says smiling. My face gets a small blush. "I don't need to remember when I have you to tell me"

I look out the plane and we've made it to an airport. Draco looks out and starts gathering the empty bottles of water and puts them in a small trash bin.

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