Chapter 49: back to hogwarts year six

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I walk dow to platform nine and ten to get through to 9 3/4 which is a pain with all these mortals in the way shoving people around like rag dolls. I briskly walk through the barrier and make my way to the train and looks for Draco, I had apparently become a prefect for my own house so I had to sit with all the other prefects. I soon found Draco their with pansy in front of him and Blaise next to her. Even though I'm in my own house I'm still considered a slytherin by the house of slytherin. As I walk in pansy give me a genuine smile. (Weird...)

I look at pansy and give a small smile back. And look to Draco who looks bored and annoyed at he thought of going back to Hogwarts. I take his hand and give it a small kiss and he smiles at me before kissing my cheek.

"So Blaise, how was your summer?" I say while glancing out eh window and back to him.

"Nothing of importance really, mother is talking about getting married again it's like tenth one now" he says rolling his eyes and shaking his head at he thought.

"How was your summer Vivian?" Pansy surprisingly asks. I guess she's matured and grew out her childish ways.

"Chaotic as you should know the demigod world or as some think the Olympian gods have had me and my older brother save their asses again" I huff out

"Didn't even feels tot do anything of my best friends may be dead" I say as sorrow feels my eyes.

"Umm can we talk Vivian privately?" She asks. I nod my head and follow her outside the compartment.

"What do you need to talk about?"

She looks at me embarrassed and awkwardly. "Well I just wanted to apologize of my last behavior with you and Draco, I've finally come to the agreement that's he's not worth it for me and I needed to grow up and stop with this childish claim" she says looking away embarrassed "so I was wondering if you forgive me and start over as friends"

I look at her contemplating weather or not I wanna go down that path. I mean she did cause me hell but not as bad as clarities I guess and if she says she's changed why not give her a second chance? "Alright but just know I'm not really known for giving out second chances like ever so don't screw it up" I say nodding at her. "Come on we should head back in there" I say smiling a little. I notice Draco laughing his brief case up on the luggage holders s we walk in.

Me and pansy sit back down and all of a sudden black a loud sound was made and black smoke appears.

"What was that?" Draco slightly panics looking around before his eyes stop at he luggage's above our heads. I don't notice anything so I ignore it.

"Relax boys it's probably just the first years messing around" pansy sways to ease Draco down.

"Come on sit down" I say. Draco looks around as he comes to sits back down looking around warily. Before he finally sits down and speaks.

"Hogwarts what a pathetic excuse of a school" he spats our looking disgusted whole liking out the window. "I think I'd pitch myself off of the astronomy tower if I thought I had to continue for another two years" he says. I can't help but look at him shocked he would say something like that.

"What that supposed to mean" pansy asks concerned and slightly offended he would think like that. Because we both know this is not the Draco we know. The Draco we know would be bullying around first years and bragging about his wealth. Not being so sour. And why is he wearing a suit?.

"Let's just day you won't be seeing me wasting my time in charms class next year" he growls while looking every where but us. Blake lets a snort of laughter and Draco doesn't seem to take that well.

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