Chapter 21

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Its been two weeks since I've seen Draco mainly because I've been trying to avoid him and I'm pretty sure he's doing The same only saying sly insults to me during potions and transfigurations if I'm being completely honest he's even more of an ass than before the party.

I wake up Tuesday morning and everyone's talking about the upcoming task for the triwizard tournament and it's not even until another week plus I'm to busy having iris message meetings with Chiron about me going back to the camp for Christmas break to train some more and practice the bow and arrow which we both know I won't be good at.

"So who are you going with to the Yule ball?" Pansy for some reason keeps glaring at me from the other side of the table and I'm not sure why But I turn my head to Ella and answer "no one I don't date remember and plus I don't know if I even want to go what's the point anyway?"

Ella give me a disappointed look and shakes her head at me "I can't believe you just said that I don't think we can be friends anymore, I mean who doesn't want to go to the ball" I shrug my shoulders of course I love ball dances and dressing up beautiful ball gown dresses but I don't want to ruin Ellas night because I'm sure she's going to get asked to the ball from Blaise.

"It's not that I don't want to go and plus I have to order and design my dress if I were to go because I'm not gonna show up in a dress with someone who's also wearing it too and I don't want some cheap material " Ella rolls her eyes "I thought you said you hated the attention you get"

I grin at her and put on a playful smile "I did but now I'm finding it quite flattering and I learned to accept it" I get serious at the last part of what I said because it's true.

I turn to take a sip of my water and find pansy still glaring and it's bugging the hell out of "you know if you wanted to creep on me you should do it a little less obviously" I see Blaise and goyle laugh and see Draco trying to cover a laugh with a cough.

Pansys face turns red and she grunts "it's not like anyone wants to go to the Yule ball with you anyway" I laugh at pansy's remark "we'll see won't we besides I don't see anyone who want to go with a creep and a pugface, have you considered plastic surgery it might help" pansy gets even more mad and storms out.

"I swear she's a pain in the ass, honestly I think clarrise is way bette than her and I can't stand clarrise at all" Ella giggles at me and I just smirk .

"What are you planning on doing for Christmas break?" I thought I had already told her but I guess not so I tell her about how I'm supposed to be going to camp to train but I'm not exactly for sure yet Chiron is still debating on it

"What's your camp like I mean it's full of demigods what do you guys do?" I explain everything that we do including about fighting monsters that some people accidentally summon in.

"So can you summon in a mortal if you wanted or does it not work that way?"

"We can't really summon people in but we can allow people with magic to enter the camp and see it and sometime we don't have to because there are special people who aren't affected by the mist" she looks deep in thought

"Could I come with you to camp I want to see what it's like what you do everyday" I scrunch my nose up at her and she recoils a bit "Ella it's not as exciting as you think I mean yeah sure I love battling against other campers, playing capture the flag and doing archery lessons and such but it's not always fun especially when you've been fighting most of your life and running away from danger and hoping you don't get killed"

Ella looks at me with a sad sorrow "look Vi I didn't Think about it that way I'm sorry I should have understood better"

"It's fine I actually enjoy killing the monsters its like I'm fighting for my mom and it gives me a sort of thrill" Ella looks horrified at what I said and I laugh.

"You don't kill muggles do you like purposely" I look at her in disbelief why would she think that? "NO! Of course not why would you even Think that I'm not some sort of blood craved psycho"

"I was just wondering jeez calm down mate" she give a defensive look


It's finally Friday and I agreed to hang out with Potter and the rest today so I head out and meet them at the black lake it's pretty chilly out so I put on a coat and head out.

When I see Harry, Ron and Hermione they seem to be in a serious conversation until I head up to them and they smile at me "hello Vi got any new tricks to how us"Hermione Smacks Ron on the arm "that was very rude Ronald she isn't some pet that can do tricks" Ron glares at Hermione but I laugh it off.

"So how's Ginny, Ron" Ron shrugs "she's fine I guess I don't ask much"

"How's your brothers it's been awhile since I last seen them Fred and George right?" Ron nods is head "they have been doing fine they pulled a prank on me and Harry last night, got my bloody clothes covered in guck mum's gonna be mad" I laugh at Ron at how serious he looks and so does Harry and Hermione

"So are you planning on leaving hogwarts for Christmas break?" Hermione looks at me

"Well I'm not entirely for sure I've been iris messaging Chiron about going over there to train some more but the decision still isn't decided" they look at me in a confused expression

"What are you training for?"

"And what's Iris messaging?"

I quickly explain everything to them about the prophecy and how I'm destined to defeat Gaea one of the very first gods to exist and then I quickly explain iris messaging.

"Wow I'm so glad I'm not you" Ron let's out a breath that he seemed to be hold and Harry rolls his eyes at Ron.

"That sounds pretty dangerous but how come we never heard about any wars like that" Harry's face is in deep concentration.

"Because the mist as I explained before is very power and prevents mortals from seeing what is actually happening" sometime they act as if they have water clogged in their ears.

They all nod and drop the topic i guess they can tell I'm getting annoyed or because they can tell my eyes are slightly glowing and they think I'm gonna explode them with water or something

We head into the leaky cauldron and order butter beers which Hermione made Ron go with her to get.

"So how have your calluses been Vivian"Harry gives me a small smile

"They've seem to be going pretty well except I'm still not very good at herbology" Harry chuckles at me "I don't think anyone is completely good at herbology" I laugh at Harry and Ron. Hermione returns and we have a small conversation of the unimportant.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now