Chapter 30

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I decide to go to camp the next week. I need to find out what's happened to Percy I don't know why but I can sense something is wrong and I can't lose another family member I just can't.


It's been a couple days and I have informed informed Dumbledore that I'm going to camp half-blood and he's agreed to let me go. I haven't told Harry and the others when I'm going, this is more of a private matter and I'm hoping they will let me go by myself I don't want to put them in danger since there are attacks at camp.

"So when are you going to leave?"I don't want Ella to come and I explained to her why and she agreed not to go "I'm leaving in three days" I say and she looks at me with sympathy "please be careful I can't lose one of my best friends" I laugh at her and nudge her to loosen the mood I don't want people to worry about me this stuff is my normal every day life

"I can't promise you anything Ella...this is my everyday life you always have to be ready to die in my life" Ella's face contorts into anger and sadness

"Don't talk like that Vi that's not something to say you can't just be ready to give up your life if I have to I will fight with you on the day of this war" I give her a sad smile and shake my head people like her will never understand what demigods go through which is why there no point in trying to explain "okay Ella" is all I can say

I walk into the great hall not really in the mood to eat so I just sit there. I've been thinking a lot to myself wondering why I'm really here, but I still can't figure it out yet. "Hey Vivian what's up?" I hear draco and I don't really have time to put up with him. "What do you want Malfoy?"

"Woah, I thought we were on good terms since you went with me to the ball" I roll my eyes at his ignorance "yeah we are friends and nothing more I don't date Malfoy I already told you that" his face contorts into a hurt expression "then what was that kiss or should I say make-out sessions?" Ever since I made out with Draco he thinks there's something more going on. I mean sure maybe I do like him. but I mentioned several times I don't date. I can't lose someone I care about.

"Exactly that's all it was...a make-out session nothing more" I turn to walk away from him but the annoying git he is runs up to me and follows me but I ignore him

"Vi?...Vivian?...V?.." I blow out a huff of breath in annoyance and turn on my heels to face him "what!?" He gives me one of his famous smirks and speaks "so when are you leaving for camp or whatever you call it"

"I'm leaving in three days...why do you ask?"he shrugs "because I'm also tagging along with Ella" oh no he's not there's no way I'm taking him he annoys me enough as it is and he's just going to get in the way and Ella isn't even coming.

"Hate to break it to you but Ella isn't coming and I haven't told anyone else about me going either" he looks shocked at first but it quickly fades away "well I guess it'll just be me and you then" he smirks and leaves before I can say anything

I stomp my way into the great hall and sit beside Harry who sitting beside Hermione with Ron on her other side and Ginny on the end "what wrong with you?" I look over it see Ron who's filling his plate with wood "Malfoy thats who"

"Of course that stupid slimy git always ruins someone's day" I laugh a little

"What did he say to make you upset?" Hermione is one of my favorite out of them I have met the Wesley twin Fred and George but I've never really hung out with them maybe I should it's been awhile since I've done a prank "well...I was gonna wait to tell you guys but..I'm going back to camp for a week I need to go back and see how everyone is doing there's a war coming and the camp is under attack"

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